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What would Joe do without Beau?

As shameful political opportunism goes, nothing holds
 a candle to Joe Biden's disgraceful use of his dead son.

posted by Dianny at SweetMercifulZeus

If Joe Biden ever loses the part of his brain that enables him to remember the death of his son Beau, he'll have to retire from politics.

As shameful political opportunism goes, nothing holds a candle to Joe's disgraceful use of his dead son.

It's especially icky since Joe routinely lies about how and where Beau died.

For years, Biden has claimed that his elder son "lost his life in Iraq." In November, Biden mistakenly referred to Ukraine as "Iraq." To cover for his blunder, he told the audience that he was "thinking of Iraq because that's where my son died."

But Beau Biden didn't die in Iraq. He died of cancer in Bethesda, Maryland nearly six years after returning from Iraq.

In August 2021, the president and first lady went to Dover to receive the caskets of the 13 service members killed in the terror attack in Kabul during the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. I remember taking bets on how long it would take before Joe mentioned Beau.

As it happens, it didn't take long.

Yesterday, the family members of some of the 13 US service members killed in that attack two years ago appeared in Congress at a Gold Star Forum to demand accountability from the Biden administration.

In her remarks, Cheryl Rex, the mother of Marine Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola recounted her meeting with Biden at Dover. According to Rex, Biden said he and Jill know how she felt since their son also returned home in a flag-draped coffin.

Can you believe that?

Even after this woman lost her son in a terrorist attack in Kabul, Joe Biden can't stop lying about Beau's death.

Beau wasn't shipped home in a flag-draped coffin.

As Ms. Rex points out yesterday, Beau Biden was able to die surrounded by his family.

Is Joe Biden even made of human parts?

That moment at Dover should have been about the fallen and their families. 

And yet that opportunistic old sod used it to peddle more lies about his son Beau.

Some people steal valor.

Joe Biden is shamelessly stealing a Gold Star.

What an absolutely heartless thing to do.

In response to Rex's heartbreaking remarks, Jesse Kelly tweeted:

"Nothing makes me hate Joe Biden like the way he treated those families when they finally got their loved ones back home. A soulless, evil human being. If a human being can truly lose a soul, he has. It’s gone."

It isn't Joe Biden's treatment of Hunter's illegitimate daughter that has damaged the media-created version of him as the embodiment of empathy and compassion.

Joe Biden using his son Beau for years to score pity points is what drove a stake through the heart of that bullshit narrative.

And when I say "for years," I don’t mean since Beau died in 2015.

Joe Biden has been exploiting his son's misfortune since Beau and his brother Hunter survived the car accident that killed Joe's first wife and their infant daughter.

Two weeks after the accident, Senator-elect Joe Biden insisted on being sworn in (with a photographer present) at the hospital bedside of his son Beau. 

Unfortunately, the photographer gave the game away by framing the photo with Beau prominently featured in the foreground while Biden took the oath of office in the distance.

Social media influencers think they perfected the art of exploiting private moments for personal gain. Sorry, kids. Joe Biden mastered that years ago.

Back in fifth grade, I got in trouble in class for some reason – I don't remember why. When the teacher took me into the hall to give me a piece of her mind, I started crying like an idiot and saying, "My dad died!"

Yeah, my dad did die – when I was less than four months old. But here I was in fifth grade using it to evoke pity as a way to get out of trouble.

But here's the thing. I was a child when I did that. As an adult, it would never occur to me to pull the dead family member card to gain an advantage.

Joe Biden is twenty years old than I am.

You'd have to be a sociopath to act like that as a grown-ass adult.

But this is who Joe Biden has always been.

He is a shameless opportunist who entered politics over fifty years ago because it is the perfect profession for someone who is sleazy, dishonest, and completely devoid of a conscience.

There is nothing Joe Biden wouldn't exploit for his purposes.

Not one thing.