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Historic Jump in 'Bidenomics' Food Stamps Caused 15% Increase in Grocery Prices

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Bidenomics. Think about it. 

The mere mention of Bidenomics instantly reminds tens of millions of Americans of out-of-control gas prices and the ever-increasing cost of a trip to the grocery store — and is the principal reason that more than seven out of 10 Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

Yet, before we continue, take a gander at this recent "X" post from Joe Biden's handlers:

We're growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, lowering costs for hardworking families, and making investments in America: that's Bidenomics.

Utter nonsense. And by "investments," Joe means wealth redistribution. 

Got it? Good — now let's move on to reality. 

The Biden administration's push to increase food stamp benefits by more than $1 trillion is likely behind a 15 percent increase in grocery prices, according to the government watchdog group, Foundation for Government Accountability

The Department of Agriculture rolled out revised nutritional standards for food stamps — the Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) — in 2021, which expanded the program by a whopping 27 percent (on average) from pre-COVID pandemic levels. 

It gets worse.

Overall spending on the program more than doubled between 2019 and 2022, increasing from $4.5 billion in 2019 to $11 billion in 2022, according to the watchdog group, and is expected to rise by an additional 5.8 percent in 2023.

Jonathan Ingram, vice president of Policy and Research at the Foundation for Government Accountability went bottom-line, accusing the USDA of cooking the books.

USDA cooked their books to hike food stamp benefits by 27 percent — the largest permanent increase in program history. And they bypassed Congress to do it. Data show the Biden administration's overreach led to massive spikes in grocery prices. They're feeding inflation, not stopping hunger.

I'm far from a conspiracy theorist, but it doesn't take Alex Jones to consider the possibility that the Biden administration is continuing the Democrat quest of developing a permanent underclass majority in America, beholden, of course, to the largess of federal government coffers (U.S. taxpayer money). If so, the whole thing falls nicely into place, doesn't it? In the Democrats' eyes, that is.

Then again, it all makes sense. Irish playwright and socialist George Bernard Shaw summed it up, nicely: 

A government that robs Peter to pay call can always depend on the support of Paul.

Did I mention that the Foundation for Government Accountability estimates Congress could reclaim more than $193 billion in taxpayer funds if lawmakers had the cojones to repeal Biden’s massive food stamp expansion program.

To be fair, congressional Republicans have proposed legislation to create tougher work requirements for SNAP participants — food stamp recipients — designed to ensure that long-term recipients work at least part-time, while also ending the practice of several states waiving work requirements altogether. 

This should be a no-brainer issue for the Republican Party, but as history has shown us, time and time again, as soon as Democrats start lying to the public about GOP plans to "cut benefits" from Social Security and other government (taxpayer) benefit programs, a majority of Republicans reflexively fold up like cheap suits. 

Meanwhile, Bidenonomics: The socialist program that Democrats continue to lie about.