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X22, And we Know, and more- June 23


I know this won't happen, but here's what I think should be a rule:

If someone says they don't care about their favorite actor's life behind closed doors, no one tries to throw a disturbing part of that actor's private life in her face to try and force that person to care or to expose that person as some kind of hypocrite!! Seriously, a violation of that rule should result in the offender's comments being deleted.

Seriously, IDGAF what Linda's life behind closed doors is like!! Trying to force me to care by throwing 1 disgusting photo in my face every time I post a NCIS LA thread on here is only going to piss me off AND expose you as a deliberate troll who might have a gay fetish!!! 🤬🤬🤬

Now, on to more peaceful matters: