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Modern History Books vs. A.I. on Trump’s Presidency

Artificial intelligence offers a far more accurate account of President Trump’s term than the officially sanctioned history books.

It’s a pretty telling state of institutional affairs when multiple left-biased artificial intelligence platforms offer a more accurate depiction of Donald Trump’s presidency than the history books now populating America’s high schools. And it’s not even close. 

According to an investigative report from conservative Greg Price on his Substack, Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH) textbooks cover Trump’s term at an almost propagandistic level. 

For instance, Price writes, 

nearly all of the textbooks claim ‘Russian meddling’ was responsible for the 2016 election of Donald Trump, despite that narrative being debunked through multiple studies and news reports . . . They also leave out all the details of how the Trump/Russia media narrative unraveled. None of them mention the phony Steele dossier, how the FBI abused FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) to spy on Trump, the illegal unmasking of Michael Flynn, how officials like John Brennan, James Clapper, and Rep. Adam Schiff lied to the public about Russian collusion, or the role Hillary Clinton’s campaign played in feeding false Trump/Russia stories to the press.

The so-called “history” books do, however, provide in-depth coverage of unproven sexual misconduct allegations against both President Trump and Justice Clarence Thomas, but completely memory-hole the entirety of the sexual allegations against President Clinton. This propaganda against Trump and the Right is repeated for every issue. 

So I asked ChatGPT to write an essay on Donald Trump’s presidency. Admittedly, the answers are far shorter than the materials in history books, but the results are telling. Here’s what it provided (edited for length, not content): 

On Trump’s Economic Policies

“One of the central tenets of President Trump’s presidency was his focus on the economy. His administration implemented several measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, such as tax cuts and deregulation. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 reduced corporate tax rates and provided temporary individual tax relief. While this policy bolstered business confidence and contributed to economic expansion, critics argued that it primarily benefited the wealthy.”

On His Foreign Policy

“President Trump adopted an unconventional approach to foreign policy, challenging long standing norms. He prioritized an ‘America First’ agenda, seeking to renegotiate international trade agreements to protect American interests. Additionally, the Trump administration pursued a policy of maximum pressure on nations like Iran and North Korea, which resulted in a mixed outcome.”

Trump’s Social and Cultural Impact

“President Trump’s presidency ignited heated debates on social and cultural issues. His administration’s immigration policies, such as the travel ban on several predominantly Muslim countries, sparked controversy and were met with widespread criticism. Trump’s rhetoric, particularly on issues of race and ethnicity, was divisive and exacerbated existing societal divisions. Critics argued that his statements and actions undermined the values of inclusivity and equality.”

On His Leadership Style

“President Trump’s leadership style was characterized by his outspokenness, frequent use of social media, and unfiltered public statements. While some admired his directness and perceived authenticity, others criticized his lack of diplomacy and the potential consequences of his impulsive decisions.”

In Conclusion

“President Donald Trump’s presidency left an indelible mark on American history. His policy decisions, unconventional approach to governance, and rhetoric generated intense debates and sparked both fervent support and passionate opposition. While his economic policies spurred growth and his foreign policy approach challenged established norms, concerns were raised regarding his impact on social cohesion and the erosion of democratic norms.” 

I asked Bard the same question. Here is how it responded:

“Donald Trump’s presidency was a turbulent one, marked by both controversy and accomplishment. He was the first president without prior military or governmental service, and his policies often reflected his own personal beliefs and business interests. 

“One of Trump’s most significant accomplishments was the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. This law reduced taxes for businesses and individuals, and it is estimated to have added trillions of dollars to the national debt. Trump also appointed two conservative justices to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. These appointments will have a lasting impact on American law and society. 

“However, Trump’s presidency was also marked by controversy. He was impeached by the House of Representatives in 2019 for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but he was acquitted by the Senate. He was also accused of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. His policies on immigration, healthcare, and climate change were also controversial. 

“Here are some of the key accomplishments and controversies of Trump’s presidency:


  •     Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
  •     Appointed two conservative justices to the Supreme Court
  •     Negotiated new trade deals with Mexico, Canada, and China
  •     Reduced regulations on businesses
  •     Normalized relations with North Korea 


  •     Impeachment by the House of Representatives
  •     Accusations of racism, sexism, and xenophobia
  •     Divisive rhetoric
  •     Policies on immigration, healthcare, and climate change
  •     Refusal to concede the 2020 election
  •     Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021”

The AI answers are obviously biased. But Price’s investigation into the AP history books revealed outright propaganda on the part of the creators of those books. This continues the indictment of public education in America. From transgenderism and critical race theory to history revision, the reality is that honest Americans cannot trust their children to the public schools. 

As a bonus, I asked ChatGPT to give the reasons why Trump won in 2016. Here’s an incredibly fair answer: 

  • Economic anxiety: Many voters were concerned about the state of the economy and felt that Trump would be better able to improve their lives than Clinton.
  • Dissatisfaction with the political establishment: Many voters were frustrated with the status quo and felt that Trump was an outsider who would shake things up.
  • Clinton’s unpopularity: Clinton was a very unpopular candidate, and many voters simply did not like her.
  • Trump’s appeal to white working-class voters: Trump was able to connect with white working-class voters who felt that they had been left behind by the economic recovery.
  • Clinton’s missteps: Clinton made a number of missteps during the campaign, such as her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. 

That is by far a more accurate summary than can be found in any legacy media or history books. Note the absence of any reference to “Russian collusion.” 

How bad is the state of education in America when beta A.I. models provide a more accurate history than the officially sanctioned history books? Asked and answered.