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If Joe Biden Was *Trying* to Admit He Was Unfit for a Second Term, What Would He Be Doing Differently?

OPINION: If Joe Biden Was *Trying* to Admit He Was Unfit for a Second Term, What Would He Be Doing Differently?

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Regardless of the political and philosophical disagreements I have with Joe Biden, this is the kind of piece that I don’t like to write.

Because when it comes down to it, you want the crux of your arguments against the supposed leader of the free world to be about his stances on the issues, his policy proposals, the bad decisions he makes, how bad he is for the country, etc. rather than trying to make the case that he is unfit for office in part because it appears, to put it delicately, that his age has caught up with him.

And yet here we are.

There have been senior members of my family, some still with us and some dearly departed, who as they got older lost their sharpness, something that happens to many people over time. For some of them, however, confusion and forgetfulness also set in and it was really scary to watch unfold.

But those members of my family aren’t in positions of great power and influence with the authority to make decisions that impact millions of people, with the power to start a war with the flick of a pen or the push of a button.

Joe Biden is, though.

And I think it was obvious well before he was declared the winner of the presidential election in 2020 that Biden should have retired from public life in order to spend his golden years with his family. Even members of the press and of his own party were saying as much once upon a time.

Since he’s been in office, he’s only proved the points of his critics on the left and the right with regard to his mental acuity and fitness to lead, with some of the most glaring examples coming just in the last few months.

For example, RedState reported in early June on a trip Biden took along with First Lady Jill Biden to North Carolina, where the Bidens were scheduled to speak at a military event and a local community college.

Look at how confused, lost, and out of it Biden seemed here, with a handler swooping in to rescue him from what could have been a disaster:

There was also this embarrassing moment next to a world leader, where Biden seemed to not realize he had his hand over his heart for the Indian national anthem:

And then there was the moment Biden, who had a blank look on his face, had to be guided by the hand by a member of Congress to his next spot on the stage:

The video clip of a child fact-checking him on where his grandchildren lived was certainly a concerning moment:

And on Wednesday, during a rare back-and-forth exchange with members of the press, Biden declared that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “losing the war in Iraq”:

Lastly, let us not forget what I feel was Biden’s most alarmingly confused moment of all, calling out for Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), who had tragically passed away nearly two months prior along with two aides in a traffic accident:

In my view, Democrats like California Gov. Gavin Newsom have been elevating their national profiles over the last couple of years because they are in agreement with the above assessment although they would not dare admit it publicly. He’s many things, but he’s not dumb.

He’s been positioning himself as the backup plan, you know, just in case.

I mean if we were witnessing the type of things we’d seen from Joe Biden in someone who wasn’t a high-level government official, very few would be shy about openly expressing their concern and alarm. But because Biden is who he is, there’s been a strange, politically-motivated timidness in certain circles about speaking openly about what’s going on.

As Joe Biden has said, though, leave it to the people to decide if they think he’s too old and no longer fit to lead the country.

“Watch me,” he’s often replied when asked about the subject. Sadly for him, people are watching. And despite the media spin, a growing number of people are coming to the same conclusions conservatives have about Biden’s ability to lead the country for a second term.

If Joe Biden was trying to admit he was unfit for a second term, what would he be doing differently here? Think about it.