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Will Joe Biden Throw Wayward Son Hunter Under the Bus to Hang Onto the White House?

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

The headline question bears repeating: Would embattled Joe Biden sacrifice his own son in a desperate effort to hang onto the White House in 2024? In my not-so-humble opinion, of course he would. “The Big Guy” has already sold his soul to the Devil, so why wouldn’t he throw crackhead Hunter under the bus?

Next question:

Would sacrificing his relationship with his son — which would likely be much worse for Hunter — make a difference in respect to whether Joe wins re-election? I doubt it. This has always been about Joe Biden, rather than Hunter, and what impact it might ultimately have on his disgraceful presidency.

As Republican Sen. Howard Baker famously asked a witness during 1973 Senate hearings on Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal, “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” — but in Biden’s case, the more salient question is: What did the president do, and when did he do it?

Incredulously, Biden has consistently made two mutually exclusive claims relative to Hunter’s nefarious business dealings. One, he insists that Hunter has done nothing illegal. Two, he claims he’s never talked to Hunter about his various business ventures. Both statements cannot be true. If Joe has zero knowledge of what Hunter did, how can he possibly know that Hunter didn’t do anything illegal?

He can’t — and he’s lying on both counts, which mounting evidence continues to suggest.

Given that evidence, Biden is facing far more public scrutiny for Hunter’s multiple improprieties, let alone investigation by the GOP-majority House, than he faced during the 2020 presidential campaign.

Democrats like serial-lying California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, with CNN and other media lapdogs dutifully flying wingman, rushed — with zero proof — to declare the Hunter Biden laptop scandal a Russian hoax. Every word that left the mouth of Schiff and other Democrats was a blatant crock of crap — and Schiff knew it.

Brad Bannon, Democratic strategist and president of Bannon Communications Research, in reference to Joe’s dilemma, insisted that a Hunter Biden “conviction” would hurt Joe Biden’s chances of being re-elected, but not as much as “Trump’s conviction would hurt Trump,” given that Trump is running in 2024 and Hunter isn’t.

Yet even Biden’s former White House Secretary Jen Psaki, who now pedals her left-wing wares on Trump-loathing MNSBC, admitted on the network that the White House, meaning Joe Biden, would finally be forced to answer serious questions if the Hunter Biden investigation determines he broke the law.

I think if there is – when there’s a conclusion of the investigation into Hunter, they’ll have to say something.

Meanwhile, long-shot Republican presidential candidate — although he’d be awesome in the two-slot, behind Ron DeSantis — Vivek Ramaswamy put the 2024 election into proper perspective, all things considered:

The 2024 election should be a referendum on corruption.

Ramaswamy was right relative to what “should be,” but will it be? No way. Why not?

On one hand, Democrat voters hate Trump more than they “love” Biden—to the extent that they’d vote for a blind chipmunk rather than allow Trump to win. On the other hand, the more investigations and charges Trump faces — including after a federal jury found the former president liable in civil court for sexually abusing and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll — the more fired up his loyalists become.

The Bottom Line

Whether one likes it or not — and a strong majority of likely voters don’tincluding 70 percent who don’t want Trump to run again, according to one poll in late-April — there’s a strong possibility that Joe Biden and Donald Trump will again square off in 2024.

In the meantime, how much fun will it be to watch, if Joe Biden decides to throw his crackhead son under the bus? We’re talking pay-per-view quality stuff.

Either way, 2024 promises to be a presidential election like no other.