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NCIS LA Series Finale part 2 review: Different, but peaceful


Since January, I've long suspected that this would be a jammed and rushed finale.

I wanted a finale that would not only be happy, but also satisfying enough to feel like it wasn't 100% a definite ending, like there will always be room for more. And of course for there to be closure for Hetty.

Well, I sort of got what I wanted.


After the ceremony, Callen got a note from a foreign guy, it was from Hetty. And Linda herself read it.

Here's what it said:

Dear Agent Callen, congratulations on your wedding,”  “I am so very happy for you and for Anna. I only wish I could have been there to celebrate such a glorious occasion with all of you.

“Most people think I never had a family of my own, but I beg to differ,”  “I have been blessed with the greatest family one could ever have wished for. And so have you.' 'As Always, Hetty. PS, I have arranged for you and Anna to have my place in Mykanos for your honeymoon. Stay as long as you like.'

I cried so much inside because that, was the most beautiful thing I've seen from this show since her name was cleared!

As much as I wanted a physical reunion, a beautiful note like that also counts. (and since the conditions of that TV Line wish said that voice over work would also count as an appearance, that means that the top wish really did come true!)

He and Sam also got plane tickets to Morocco, which is where Hetty now is, somewhere.

When they got there, they ran into some familiar faces!

Nell was there because Hetty reached out to her (I seriously heart their mother/daughter like relationship!!) for help. (No, her other half wasn't there because he had been busy at the time). And Nate was also there because he went back to help Hetty after the Season from Hell ended. Which is what I predicted long ago. :))

It ended with the team setting off to find Hetty, wherever she is. (and the song at the very end may sound very familiar to all you conservatives! 😉)

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Am i disappointed that Hetty only showed via voice work? Slightly. This means that her last on screen appearance (and scene with Callen) is still that very awful Season 13 premiere (otherwise known as The Season from Hell).

Showrunner's latest 'explanation'. Do I trust him on this? Dunno right now. He made me so disgusted with this show, I didn't even really mind it being cancelled because that meant i wouldn't have to put up with his BS 'new direction' anymore! That still stings. And to this day, I still don't know if Linda is really okay, and that still concerns me.

Am I willing to say that RSG and Harimoto did a good job? To some extant. Nobody died or retired, and there's no huge time jump into the future, which is what I wanted. Oh, and Kensi is also pregnant. 

Am I happy with the open endness? Yes. It means that Hetty's team really is looking for her now because they want her back home. (My 1st theory for this finale was 2 episodes of rescuing her from Syria!). Plus, there's plenty of openness for a future movie.

Hetty is still alive, that's the main part. The other important parts: She loves her team. And Callen loves her. Those aspects were done right.

So, despite the rushed stuff, I'm pleased with what I got, and I feel like I can have some kind of peace with this show. (especially since I can endlessly daydream about what a movie would possibly look like!). Not having to deal with another year of endless 'Where's Hetty' theorizing only to be disappointed over and over again is definitely a big plus.

Maybe someday a movie will happen showing the rescue mission. Until then, knowing Hetty is alive and wasn't completely left out of Callen's wedding, is the kind of insurance I'll accept.


A special thank you to all who enjoyed my articles covering this show! It was a real joy to write them. :) And who knows maybe someday, I'll get to write articles covering a big Hetty prequel or even a movie! 🤞

Until we meet again, NCIS LA...