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Native American Man Gunned Down After Calling CBP on Trespassing Illegals


Native American Man Gunned Down After Calling CBP on Trespassing Illegals

Article by Lincoln Brown in PJMedia

Chaos breeds chaos.

When the border is thrown wide open, societal norms are destroyed, and the leprosy of a progressive federal agenda eats at every part of American life, the country will not only be emotionally and intellectually compromised and morally degraded, and people will not only become fiscally bankrupt, but people will die. Such things as the death of one man, who only wanted to protect his property, are of no concern to the Moloch administration, whose concerns do not include things such as justice, equality, or even equity, but rather power. And chaos, if left unchecked long enough, will ensure that wicked people consolidate power. The fact that people will die is an acceptable consequence, so long as the narrative is maintained. And, for that matter, so long as the transition of power is properly facilitated.

This time, chaos and fear came together in a horrific way to take the life of a tribal member of the Tohono O’odham Nation in Arizona. On Thursday night, Raymond Mattia called the CBP because illegal aliens were trespassing on his property. Television station KVOA in Tucson reported that family members said when CPB arrived at the home, Mattia walked out and was mere feet from his door when agents began to open fire. One family member said, “I had heard all the gunshots like it was just a war. I just went into shock like I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They told us there was an estimated 38 shots fired at him. You know that’s excessive and we want justice and we want to know what happened and why there were so many Border Patrol out there shooting at him.” A family friend commented, “I have dealt with Border Patrol aggression and unmonitored behavior out here on Tohono O’odham land without any regard to the respect and to the land and to the people.”

The CPB has confirmed that agents from its Ajo Border Patrol Station were involved in a fatal shooting on the Tohono O’odham reservation Thursday evening. An investigation is underway, but so far no other information has been released. The CBP, tribal police, and the FBI are all involved in the effort.

Related: Biden Admits That Chaos Is the Plan for the Mexican Border

According to American Wire, tribal chairman Ned Norris Jr. stated:

Nation member Raymond Mattia lost his life in the incident. Our hearts go out to his family and all those impacted during this difficult time. As the investigation proceeds, the Nation expects full consideration of all related facts of the incident and an appropriate and expeditious response from relevant public safety agencies. Because the investigation is ongoing, we will refrain from making further comment at this time.

We may never know all of the results of the investigation. “Disclosure” and “government” are not words that often go together anymore. But one fact remains: an American citizen was killed on his property by the people he called to assist him. He did what he was supposed to do. He called the authorities. Joe Biden warned us that there would be chaos at the border. Whether by accident or design, his prediction is coming true.

Native American Man Gunned Down After Calling CBP on Trespassing Illegals – PJ Media

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