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Cities Declare State of Emergency as Massive Numbers of Illegal Aliens Continue to Swarm the Border

Several border cities have declared states of emergency as the migrant invasion of the United States escalates.  However, it’s not just border states; many of these illegal aliens are traveling to metropolitan areas leading to New York and Chicago declaring a state of emergency.

[….] “Thursday night marked the end of Title 42, after more than three years of the public health order enabling the rapid expulsion of hundreds of thousands of migrants without a chance at asylum.  Just before the policy ended, a Florida court temporarily blocked border officials from releasing migrants from custody without court dates. Government attorneys have warned such a ruling would lead to dangerous overcrowding at Border Patrol stations not designed for long-term stays.” (Axios)

Most of the corporate media have tried to distract from the more than 10,000 illegal aliens now crossing every day.  Major U.S. media outlets are now ignoring the outcome of Joe Biden’s intentionally collapsed border policies. For several months Ben Bergquam has been covering the illegal alien invasion for Bannon’s War Room. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH: