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Tucker's Video Had More Viewers Than All Cable News Programming Combined in 24 Hour Period

72.7M vs 53.1M 

To give scale to the growing insignificance of broadcast news networks, consider this fact-based analysis.

Tucker Carlson released a two-minute video on Twitter that had 72.7 million views in 24 hours.  The entire cable news industry combined, every show on every channel, over the corresponding timeframe had 53.1 million views.  [Graphic Source]


Tucker Carlson had more viewers than the combined total legacy media cable news networks combined.

Yeah, there are more of us than them…. and Tucker Carlson is the most powerful man in the media right now.

When honest people say what’s true … they become powerful. At the same time the liars that have been trying to silence them, shrink, they become weaker.  That’s the iron-law of the universe, true things prevail.”  ~ Tucker Carlson