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Some good news from GAF today 😍



Here comes a silver lining - a sign of hope! I have GOOD NEWS for all of us who have been wanting to see more new movies on Great American Family. Lately, there's been a deluge from commenters on social media, asking the network to please play less mystery marathons and bring back their movies, especially on the weekends. Well, the network responded and here's what they said in their replies...

"Great American Family will be offering more new content soon. 
We appreciate your patience while we grow in our second year."

"We can't wait for June movies! 
Please stay tuned..."

-Great American Family

So... YAY, new movies are coming to Great American Family soon... in June! The last new movie that was seen on the network, was Happily Ever Emma on March 4th. As soon as I learn any details on these new movies, I'll be sure to share!