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Adam Kinzinger Gives Incredibly Bizarre Suggestion to Ray Epps

Adam Kinzinger Gives Incredibly Bizarre Suggestion to Ray Epps

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

On Sunday, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Ray Epps, and it went about how you’d expect. Epps was lobbed softball after softball in an attempt to brush aside his role on January 6th, leaving those with an ounce of intellectual honesty asking what in the world was going on.

(See: 60 Minutes Basically Screams ‘Leave Ray Epps Alone!’)

The absurdity of the scene didn’t get past Rep. Thomas Massie, who stated the obvious in that Democrats and the press defend no one else who participated on January 6th. Yet, Epps continues to be presented as a helpless victim despite having the most visible, documented role in inciting the riot.

Returning to those who lack intellectual honesty, Adam Kinzinger then chimed in with an incredibly bizarre suggestion for Epps: That he should sue Massie.

What in the ever-loving? Ask yourself, if there isn’t some grand conspiracy at work here, then what would Kinzinger be doing differently? It’s one thing for 60 Minutes to prop up Epps to provide political cover for the fact that it sure seems like he was working for the federal government. It’s another for a former congressman, who served on the farcical January 6th committee, to start treating Epps like a cherished family member, suggesting he sue congressional members.

Massie responded with the obvious follow-up, which is to ask what in the world Kinzinger means by “trusted you.”

What exactly is Kinzinger getting at? And why is he so committed to defending Epps?

None of this makes sense on the surface. As RedState has reported numerous times, Epps is on video telling people on January 5th and 6th to attack the Capitol Building and to enter it. On the day of the riot, he’s seen removing a barricade and urging the first way to move onto the inner parts of the capitol grounds. I’m not aware of any other person that day who so blatantly incited the crowd that eventually skirmished with police and made its way inside.

Yet, Epps has never even been arrested. You have grandmas who got jail time (and pre-trial detention) for only walking around and taking pictures. But the guy on camera urging the attack and who later told congressional members he “orchestrated it” doesn’t even get arrested? That simply makes no sense at all, especially given the DOJ’s penchant for charging others with conspiracy and sedition.

Kinzinger’s odd protestations and eye-raising flailing should only make onlookers more suspicious. After all, Kinzinger has a habit of going to bat for anyone who can even be remotely described as part of the deep state. That he’s become such a fan of Epps, up to and including taking his side against someone as upstanding as Massie, says a heck of a lot. There should be a real investigation of the relationship between Epps and the January 6th committee.

As I’ve said many times before, if there’s a logical reason why only Epps has been left alone following January 6th, then let’s hear it. Because all we’ve gotten is vagueries and obfuscations. Surely, it should be incredibly simple for Kinzinger, the FBI, and the rest to explain the situation if there is an explanation that isn’t nefarious.