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The Day Trump Is Arrested Will Be a Very Good Day...for Trump

The backfire of the century cometh.

Democrats have been scrambling to do anything they possibly can to take make former President Donald Trump a non-issue in the upcoming 2024 race, but hilariously, their constant attacks on him have only kept him in the minds of the people and, at times, made him stronger.

In fact, given Trump’s consistent foibles when attacking DeSantis, it’s probably easy to say that the media is doing more to keep Trump afloat than Trump is.

But one Democrat is attempting to find an avenue through which to arrest Trump through the hush payments he gave to Stormy Daniels. It’s a bold move, Cotton, but I’m not sure it’s going to work out for them. In fact, it’ll be the largest boost to his popularity the Democrats have given him thus far.

The announcement that Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg bringing forward an indictment to arrest Trump is concerning, namely in that Bragg is demonstrating an egregious abuse of power in the name of partisan politics. However, the response by congressional Republicans, namely Rep. Jim Jordan’s Judicial Committee, is going to be nothing short of devastating to Bragg who will be exposed as a Soros lackey with a lack of federal funds to boot.

Moreover, the charges might not even be worth it. As Fox News reported, many Democrats are now getting cold feet and are beginning to doubt the ROI will be worth it:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg may soon indict former President Trump on charges relating to hush payments he made to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Some Democrats say Bragg’s move, if it happens, may ultimately benefit Trump due to the weakness of the charge.

“This is an open-and-shut, books-and-records misdemeanor,” Norm Eisen, attorney and senior Brookings fellow, said Monday. “Now, to elevate it to a felony is more complicated.”

“[T]here are far more serious crimes for which he should also be held to account,” David Pepper, a former chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, told Axios.

Bragg’s investigation is just one of three Trump is currently facing, and the charges stemming from it may be the easiest ones for Trump to defeat. A failed prosecution of the former president – whose opponents have long dreamed of locking him up – could only serve to bolster his common refrain that he is the victim of a “witch hunt.”

With even Democrats getting cold feet and becoming uneasy about attempting to make a misdemeanor molehill into a federal mountain, this is looking worse and worse for Bragg. In fact, this looks more and more like Bragg trying to elevate himself than anything else.

Bragg’s hyperpartisan behavior is only going to confirm to Republican voters that Trump is someone Democrats fear, and that’s only going to increase the groundswell around him. He is one of the few political entities in America that get stronger the more you attack him.

Even comedian Chris Rock seems to understand that Trump’s arrest will only lead to an increase in support for Trump.

As I wrote previously, an arrest on weak grounds will only make Trump into a martyr of Democrat corruption, elevating him from being a man hated by the left to something more. It will increase his reputation as a D.C. outsider, separating him further from the corruption of Washington and making him far more appealing, especially after the corruption and incompetence of the Democrats since the start of the Biden administration.

For Trump, his arrest will be a very good day for him and it may be the day many will mark as the true day his 2024 presidential campaign founds its footing.