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More Panic, More Suppression as Swalwell Talks About Action to Prevent Troops From Watching Fox

More Panic, More Suppression as Swalwell Talks About Action to Prevent Troops From Watching Fox

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve seen in the Twitter Files the effort of the Democrats to shut down things they don’t like. That’s why the Democrats were attacking the journalists who were reporting and revealing what had occurred, even trying to cast someone like liberal Matt Taibbi as spreading “extreme MAGA lies” because Democrats don’t want people to know the truth. As I noted, they humiliated themselves in the process. They’re so upset that they’ve lost control over such an important media organ.

The Democrats are also going into overdrive to try to shut down Fox News. We reported on how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed he had the right to tell them what to report. “I think we not only have a right to tell Rupert Murdoch and Fox what to do, but an obligation,” Schumer said, to save “democracy.” He said that they must admit they lie or they will take other “steps” against them, “We’ll have to see what else we can do.”

That was before Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 security footage coverage. Then Schumer demanded that Fox head Rupert Murdoch shut down Tucker Carlson’s second night of coverage because our “democracy demands it.”

Our democracy demands the suppression of speech in violation of the Constitution because Schumer doesn’t like it? Has he even read the Constitution?

Then Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined in, encouraging a boycott against Fox, calling them “divisive, sociopathic liars.” Imagine Schiff thinking he can call anyone else a “divisive sociopathic liar.” Talk about projection.

Now Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is joining in the suppression games being pushed by the Democrats. He spoke with MSNBC’s Katie Phang about stopping the troops from watching Fox News. Ironic that it was someone whose name is pronounced: “Fang.”

“Has there been any discussions in Congress about, maybe, congressional oversight, regulations, maybe the FCC getting involved?” Phang asked. “I know we all respect the First Amendment, Congressman, but should there be some type of gatekeeping that happens so that this doesn’t happen again?”

“Gatekeeping” = restricting our media opponents. Some “respect” for the First Amendment there.

“Nothing makes them feel more like home than their access to American television programming,” Swalwell said. “I don’t want to get in the business of telling troops what they can and cannot watch.

But then he did exactly that, indicating that they might need to look into how Fox is being shown to the troops.

But, if you have a news station that a court is going to rule is, in its evening hour, you know, perpetuating dis- and misinformation, I don’t know if I disagree with VoteVets, who was saying that we need to take a look at, you know, how this is being broadcast to our troops.”

This is the ridiculous liberal political group that he’s referencing, that he wasn’t disagreeing with, that called for not allowing the troops to watch Fox.

This is not only propaganda, once again it’s an attempt to suppress speech. Yes, the military should only be spoon-fed MSNBC and CNN, right? That’s the “truth” because Democrats like Swalwell say so?

They argue that Fox “lied” about the 2020 election. That’s a bit of a hilarious argument since liberal media has been constantly lying about elections, President Donald Trump, and Republicans for years. Those real lies don’t matter, to Swalwell, who went on MSNBC to make this argument.

Swalwell said he hopes that “that” — presumably meaning his implied threat of removal — is “an incentive for Fox News to clean up” its opinion shows from hosts including Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham.

“I don’t think we’re without complete recourse,” said Swalwell.

This is a threat to pressure Fox to fall in line with the Democratic narrative or face more action. The Democrats know they’ve lost Twitter, and they know they don’t yet have a full grasp on the military because too much of the rank and file aren’t liberal even if many in leadership now are. Democrats don’t trust the military members to make their own choices — they want to enforce and indoctrinate even there.