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Fauci Admits What Dr David Martin Said, Vaccine in The Making For The Last Twenty Years

Yesterday I responded to a comment that Robert Malone would always be subjected to hate because he invented the mRNA jabs.  At that time I hadn't read the substack link where Malone goes on to detail some of the issues, I know Malone is a liar for one thing so why bother I thought at the time.  I just went into why he's a liar in response to the comment I made.  At the end of the comment I said I had no idea why Malone wants to play a patsy to the invention of the vaccines.  I just finished his substack article and I can attest that he continues to contradict himself.  At the bottom of the article he goes on to state what he hasn't done, like invented or participated in the development of the mRNA vaccine, works for any vaccine companies, or made claims that he has.  Which is a lie.  He has often appeared on Fox News as being introduced as the inventor of mRNA and never once corrected them on the matter.  As a matter of fact the last time I seen him on Fox News he was introduced by Laura Ingraham as having been the inventor behind the mRNA vaccines.  The other guest on the program immediately called him out on it.  He told Malone you never invented the mRNA vaccine of which Malone replied he had a differing opinion  before Laura interjected into the conversation to change the subject.   So basically all this did for me was reinforce my own opinion I just happened upon moments after having left my reply in that comment when I came across an article on Town Hall.  

In that article, "Fauci Caught Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud"  Facui is seen in a video going door to door in Washington DC with the mayor trying to talk to African Americans about getting the vaccine.  There was some significant moments in the article for sure, I could write on those points and some in Malone's substack, but the one that hit me the most was one guy who engaged Facui on the vaccine.  In the conversation the guy said, "It takes years to create vaccination", to which Facui replied:  "It use to take years.  Do you know how many years we've invested in this approach, about twenty years of science to get for us to be able to do good enough..." before the guy stops him with "Nine months is not enough, twenty years is not enough and nine months is definitely not enough."  Than it hit me why Malone is a patsy...he's a patsy in the same sense as Fauci, patsies for those who spent twenty years not only inventing the technology but those administrations over those twenty years who financed it.  What  Fauci admitted  is exactly what Dr David Martin has been telling us all along, this started under the Bush administration.  These are the people who have elected to take the heat off from the real perps involved, whether it was presidential authorizations or scientist who spent the last two decades perfecting the technology.  In the end they knew people were going to be upset, angry, mad as heck so they laid the ground for decoys.

In his substack Malone even goes on to psychologically analyze what is at play here:   "This is how I have come to terms with this. Basically, it boils down to “haters are just going to hate”. There is a constituency for spinning up hate and outrage. There are a minority of people that are angry and seek some target or outlet for their rage. Mattias Desmet refers to “counter Mass Formation” as playing a role in this when we are dealing with the phenomenon of what is known in the Psych literature as Mass Formation, Mass Psychosis, Mass Hypnosis or Mass formation psychosis. But in my experience, much of this on-line behavior relates to the issues that people love to gossip, and all too often relates to the closing paragraph in the above definition of defamation"

"There is a constituency for spinning up hate and outrage. There are a minority of people that are angry and seek some target or outlet for their rage. Mattias Desmet refers to “counter Mass Formation”.  Hum, another psychology lesson from the schooled Malone, anyone ever wonder why Malone has been so eloquently schooled in the art of Mass Formations?  Maybe if Malone don't want people thinking he works or worked for the CIA he shouldn't be out there telling people about late night conversation online he just "happened upon" January 6th 2020 with a CIA agent in China discussing Mass Formation.  Of all the billions of people online at any given time it was, I guess, "just his luck" the CIA agent stumble across him.  If he doesn't want people believing he invented the mRNA vaccines he shouldn't be on every national talk show circuit portraying himself as such.   Malone is like Fauci out peddling they're there to help you but it's the furthest from the truth.  They are just the decoys for those hurting you the most.
