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X22, And we Know, and more- Feb 9


Today was officially the 1st day of filming the final episode. (if not, they're filming out of order) Looming goodbyes, even when I'm ready to move on from the never ending charade of 'Where's Hetty', always get to me. Because they fucking hurt. Especially possibly knowing that all next week, everyone will be saying their goodbyes 1 by 1 before all saying 1 final goodbye after the last scene is filmed a day or 2 after their next new episode airs on the 19th! 💔 (yes, this is what is known as 'reality setting in').

The only thing that's keeping me from being more of an emotional say then I already am is listening to 'Let's Fighting Love' on repeat. (1 of the best songs from 'South Park').

Here's tonight's news: