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DNC Approves Obama/Clyburn Plan for South Carolina to Lead 2024 Primary, Media Call It “The Biden Plan”

In the last several weeks I have been saying to watch the state of South Carolina for how both Republican and Democrats wings of the UniParty, RNC and DNC respectively, plan to use South Carolina as the mechanism for the 2024 illusion of choice.  What I call the RNC and DNC roadmaps.

Essentially the RNC/DNC constructs are the roadmaps, from the club system – two private corporations, to control the 2024 primary election outcomes.

This is all about controlling the mechanisms of elections and creating the illusion of choice while the invisible hands of the big donors and club officers control the operations.

You might remember how South Carolina was the inflection point for Biden in the 2020 primary.  It was the SC primary when former President Obama (Black Lives Matter) and Congressman James Clyburn (AME Church network), aligned to select Joe Biden as the control mechanism to ensure Bernie Sanders was defeated.

Team Obama was operating with a sense of urgency because momentum was with Sanders and all other candidates including Biden were fractured.

Obama and Clyburn selected Biden due to his ability to be controlled.  Most of the Obama administration now operates inside the Biden administration controlling the outcomes.   Part of the ‘what’s in it for me’ aspect from Clyburn was the promise of increased influence and affluence.  Including the pre-approval, first right of refusal, for the Biden VP pick (ultimately Kamala Harris).

For 2024 the movement of South Carolina is being pushed to the base voters of the DNC through the social justice narrative about needing a more diverse state for the first DNC primary contest.  No good Democrat political activists can counter that culturally approved party position.  Predominately white states are bad, more diverse states are good. Thus, under this “diversity” premise, there can be no opposition or dissent from the party base.  The justification is a political minefield.

However, that said, that justification is a ruse, a pretense intended to cloud and protect the Club roadmap.  In reality, team Obama are fulfilling the prior pledge to James Clyburn.

Obama got to choose the 2020 candidate based on his needs to protect himself from scrutiny of prior White House operations.  Now, with statutes of limitations tolling, Clyburn gets the 2024 power position to select the next nominee.

That’s the non-pretending reality that everyone will say is ‘conspiracy theory’, it isn’t.

The RNC club roadmap for Ron DeSantis is also looking to South Carolina, New Hampshire and Georgia as control mechanisms to stop President Trump from winning the nomination.   This has been part of a plan in the works for a long time (mid 2021).  The Nikki Haley and Tim Scott operations in South Carolina are part of the strategy; along with Chris Sununu in New Hampshire (despite backpedaling caused by CTH sunlight).   Brian Kemp is being leveraged in Georgia, and within the big picture push overall, the ‘Ready for Ron’ establishment is leveraging the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) as an institution to have a much bigger role in 2024.  Just keep watching.

PHILADELPHIA — Democrats on Saturday voted overwhelmingly to remake the party’s presidential nominating calendar, embracing President Biden’s push for South Carolina to be the first state to hold its contest in 2024 and replacing Iowa amid calls for greater racial, geographic and economic diversity in the process.

The move by members of the Democratic National Committee was long expected, but it does not guarantee the calendar will ultimately be enacted as designed. In December, Biden asked DNC leaders to move up South Carolina, which sealed his comeback victory in the 2020 Democratic primary, to the first slot. Under the new plan, New Hampshire and Nevada would hold their primaries a week later, followed by primaries in Georgia and Michigan.

The vote here Saturday morning came at the DNC winter meeting, where Biden and Vice President Harris spoke Friday to some of the party’s most active members from across the country. Biden, who has yet to officially announce his reelection plans but has said he intends to run for a second term, was greeted by cheers of “four more years” as he took the stage.

[…] Iowa, a state that has an overwhelmingly White population, drew criticism during the 2020 Democratic primary for its lack of diversity and the inaccessibility of its caucuses, which are held on a winter weekday night and pose participation barriers for those who may have work, are disabled or have other obligations. In 2020, the Iowa Democratic Party also struggled to tabulate the results, leading to more criticism of their caucus system.

With South Carolina, the state that resuscitated Biden’s presidential bid in 2020, Democrats are elevating the role Black voters, a crucial voting bloc for the party across the country, will play in selecting the party’s nominee. “This calendar does what is long overdue,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said before the vote. “It expands the number of voices in the early window, and it elevates diverse communities that are at the core of the Democratic Party. (read more)

If the private corporation known as the DNC can overcome the New Hampshire legislative challenges, that puts California Governor Gavin Newsom at a disadvantage because the DNC Club is deferring to James Clyburn.

Congressman Clyburn will select a racially qualified non-white candidate, likely female, to win the first set of state contests.  I would not be surprised to see Susan Rice reenter the picture. The corporate apparatus will circle the wagons in favor of that candidate (it will not be Biden).

If the DNC club cannot overcome the legal and legislative challenges (New Hampshire example), then Gavin Newsom is more likely to gain DNC boardroom support.  It depends on how well the corporation can Lawfare their interests into position.

On the private corporation side of the RNC, the billionaire class, multinationals, Wall Street and corporate establishment control officers have already pre-selected Ron DeSantis to play the role of Jeb! in 2024.

The RNC wants the money, and the billionaires, multinationals and Wall Street will be perfectly okay with the DNC selection because the RNC is not ideological.

From the perspective inside the RNC club, it doesn’t matter who wins; just as they were similarly positioned, unaffected and ambivalent in supporting Hillary ’16.

For the financial stakeholders who control the RNC and DNC, this is about the illusion of choice (for voters) and ultimately a controlled outcome (for DC).   Once people make this reality part of their analysis, things start to get clear.  There are trillions at stake.

If you doubt this is the reality of the 2024 situation, collect the data, apply the scientific method and prove this is not a controlled outcome.  You won’t be able to do it, because there are already too many aligned receipts visible from the DeSantis management operation.  It is from those receipts that predictions, essentially tripwires, are able to be constructed.  The formality of the plan is how and why the South Carolina tripwire was predicted months ago.

The exact same conservative media from the ’16 Ted Cruz assembly will be supporting the DeSantis operation in 2024; most already are.  Additionally, with the help of the professional management and branding group, an effective psychological operation on behalf of RdS began over a year ago.

This is a UniParty script already written, with only one big disruption in the way….

That disruption has two elements.  The first is Donald J Trump; the second is YOU.