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Are the Stairs to Air Force One Joe’s Ego-Deflator?

Is it Karma?

I’ve come to the conclusion that the stairs to Air Force One act as a kind of instant ego deflator for when Joe Biden’s vanity gets the better of him.

While on his way home from Poland, the president, feeling cocky over his European trip, once again had his ego pierced by the stairs to Air Force One.

Now, look. I’m as clumsy as they come. There’s a reason my nickname used to be Grace. And while I’m loath to laugh at an 80-year-old man face-planting on the stairs to Air Force One for the second time, I can’t help myself.

It’s hard not to experience a little Schadenfreude watching the vain, over-confident guy with the mental acuity of a pudding cup get his ego pierced.

I’d feel the same way if Meghan Markle was caught on camera with toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

Some people are just screaming for a little ego deflation.

I’ve said before that Joe Biden’s biggest weakness is his vanity. His over-inflated sense of himself is the one thing dementia has yet to destroy.

And because the media hasn’t stopped fluffing the 80-year-old man over his surprise trip to Kyiv, by the time he bounded up the stairs to Air Force One last night, his ego must’ve been the size of the national debt.

Is it Karma?

Who knows. But it was certainly another made-to-order ego deflator.

Back when Joe fell the first time, I mentioned that it happened just after Russian President Vladimir Putin made some remarks about Biden’s declining health. I was certain at the time that in an effort to show Putin just how healthy and vigorous Biden is, his advisors told him to bound up those stairs like a man in his prime.

So that’s what he did. Hell, he wouldn’t even deign to hold the handrail. Then, ego-deflators that they are, the stairs got the better of him and he fell, not once, but three times.

And here we are, nearly two years later. Joe just spent the last several days talking tough about Putin and taking a train into a “warzone.” That old Biden swagger got such a workout this week that by the time he got to the airport, Joe was ready to take the stairs to Air Force One like he’s Rocky running up the steps to the Philadephia Museum of Art.

And just like last time, the stairs were there to remind Joe who he really is, a broken-down old crock who can barely walk on a flat surface without the aid of others.

Honestly, how could I not get a bit of Schadenfreude from that?

Are the Stairs to Air Force One Joe’s Ego-Deflator?