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Well, Lookie There, Another Batch of Biden Classified Documents Announced

Back in the Wilmington, Delaware, stash house where Hunter Biden used to bring his hookers and dope dealing friends; what is also described as the home of Joe Biden, where the alarm system was so dysfunctional the Secret Service apparently turned it off; according to the Biden lawyers, they have found a fourth set of classified documents.

This brings the total in the Delaware stash house to three sets.  One batch in the garage, next to the corvette; another set in an adjacent room; and apparently in yet a third location in the same home where needles, bongs and useful heroine tools were customary tableware, they have found more.

Go figure.

Wall Street Journal – Additional pages marked as classified were found at President Biden’s Wilmington, Del., residence and have been given to the Justice Department, the White House counsel said Saturday, the latest revelation over the handling of classified information that has emerged this week.

The documents were discovered after Mr. Biden’s attorneys said earlier that some classified material, likely dating from his time as vice president, had been found in his garage at the residence in December.

One document marked as classified also was found at his residence earlier this week, the White House had said. In addition, documents marked as classified were found at his office at a Washington think tank in November.

In a statement Saturday, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, said he accompanied Justice Department officials to Wilmington on Thursday to retrieve the initial document from the residence—and during that process “five additional pages with classification markings” were found among the material, bringing the total to six pages discovered this week.

All material was immediately taken into possession by the Justice Department, Mr. Sauber said. The Justice Department declined to comment Saturday. (read more)

It sure seems odd that the FBI were tasked with investigating everything back on November 9, 2022, according to AG Merrick Garland; yet here we are two months later, and it is not the FBI finding these documents, it’s Biden’s legal housekeeping crew.  Odd that.

[SOURCES: DOJ Video Here – Garland Transcript Here – AG Press Release Here]

The timeline as described by AG Merrick Garland:

♦ Nov 4, 2022 – National Archives notifies DOJ of classified documents located at Penn-Biden Center
♦ Nov 9, 2022 – Garland instructs FBI to conduct assessment of classified documents and investigate
♦ Nov 14, 2022 – Garland instructs USAO Laush to conduct investigation of events and documents
♦ Dec 20, 2022 – Biden Lawyers tell USAO Laush of additional classified documents in Delaware
♦ Jan 5, 2023 – USAO Lausch briefs AG Garland and recommends a special counsel be appointed
♦ Jan 12, 2023 – Biden Lawyers inform Lausch/Garland additional documents found in Delaware
♦ Jan 12, 2023 – Garland appoints Special Counsel Robert Hur

If the FBI began investigating on November 9th, and USAO Lausch began investigating on November 14th, then why was it Joe Biden lawyers informing Laush of additional classified documents found in Delaware on December 20th and again on January 12th?   Why did the FBI and Lausch not find them?

Why are Joe Biden Lawyers informing the DOJ about the second, third and now fourth batch of classified documents?

Where the heck is the FBI?

Yeah, rhetorical, I know….