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'Students Demand Action' Demonstrates Why We Have More Gun Violence

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

When I watch leftists provide “solutions” for various societal problems, it often looks like a horrendous doctor focusing more on treating symptoms than attacking the disease. The problem never goes away. In fact, it only gets worse, and yet, despite the fact that their methods obviously aren’t working, they continue to push them and declare that any attempt to change it is racist, bigoted, hateful, or something along those lines.

Gun violence is one of these issues. When gun violence happens, the left and the right react in completely different ways.

The right will see a mass shooting and analyze the who, what, when, where, and why of the situation. Usually, these always look the exact same. A disturbed individual with a need to do violence premeditates a shooting in a place where people typically can’t shoot back. The right will immediately recognize a few things right off the bat. For instance, the individual who did the shooting gave plenty of warning signs he was going to do it, and authorities did nothing. Moreover, the place where the shooter did the killing wouldn’t have been vulnerable if they had allowed people to carry firearms within or, at the very least, provided armed security.

The answer was more firearms carried by good guys–and more good judgment calls by local authorities.

The left will look at the same situation and ignore pretty much every detail and nuance. They only care about one thing; the gun. Then all the left’s horses and all the left’s gender-neutral persons will launch into an anti-gun tirade with marches, media reports, and organizations, all dedicated to making this a gun-free America.

It’s really all just an elaborate way for Democrats and their activist friends to fundraise, but I digress.

You’ll catch both sides throwing arguments at one another, but only one side carries the facts. At some point, the left gets tired of trying to push a false narrative and does what most people do when they can’t win through legitimate debate; they begin relying on emotional arguments.

For the left, the more sensational the emotions, the better.

Case in point, Shot Show 2023 is currently happening in Las Vegas and sure enough, anti-gun activists are voicing their concern. The group “Students Demand Action” decided to make a video with all the dramatics one could ask for, including the claim that “we’re dying,” while people are “partying at Shot Show.” This includes a list of demands to gun manufacturers.

Are students out there dying?

That’s pretty dramatic. While atrocities have been committed in schools, including relatively recently, to pretend that American kids are out there being slaughtered like undersupplied soldiers in a warzone stops the issue from being conveyed well and thus, makes it harder to find the right solutions.

If she really wants students to stop being shot in schools, then the answer is simple. Arm teachers who are willing to be trained and carry, teach students shooter drills, and staff the school with resource officers who understand that their job is to protect these children or die in the attempt. Moreover, stop making schools gun-free zones, which only serve to disarm good people.

There. Problem solved.

But this group isn’t out to solve the problem. As any leftist knows, you never let a crisis go to waste, and continuing to make it possible for mass shooters to shoot masses of people, especially in schools, creates a massive crisis that can attract a lot of outrage-born loyalty to a party.

The day guns stop killing innocent people is a really bad day for the left, and that really should really make people think long and hard about who really is the group facilitating gun violence in America.

It certainly isn’t the people “partying at Shot Show.”