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Elon Musk Lays Out Concerning Side Effects He and Family Member Had to COVID Booster

Elon Musk Lays Out Concerning Side Effects He and Family Member Had to COVID Booster

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve heard a lot about reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines since they first started becoming available, but now Elon Musk is adding to the anecdotal evidence of issues with the shot.

He was commenting in response to a tweet from Rasmussen Reports that said approximately 12 million people may have had “major side effects” after getting the vaccine.

The CDC says major side effects are “rare.” Rasmussen said that 7 percent of those who received the vaccine — or 12 million people — reported those major side effects. Rasmussen notes that that doesn’t meet the numbers of what the CDC defines as “rare.” So the CDC needs to explain itself if these numbers are true since it doesn’t match what they had said.

The CDC finally admitted to some safety concerns about a week ago, regarding a potential increased risk of stroke for people aged 65 and older.

But the question was highlighted when Twitter owner Elon Musk responded to the tweet and shared what had happened to him when he got his second booster shot. He said he was required to take it to be able to go to Tesla Giga in Berlin. He said he had “major side effects” and felt like he “was dying for several days.”

There’s that problem of government coercion.

Musk said that he hoped there was no “permanent damage” but “I dunno.” He also noted that his cousin got myocarditis afterward, despite being in perfect health, and had to go to the hospital.

Musk also noted that he had COVID previously before the vaccines and for him, it was like a cold, but the second booster “crushed me.”

Had he said this on the old Twitter, he likely would have been flagged by the White House or the Democrats, with a request for him to be de-platformed for spreading doubt about the vaccines.

Musk hasn’t been shy about criticizing the suppression of information around COVID and the government approach, particularly that of Dr. Anthony Fauci.