Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Senator Ted Cruz Calls J6 Protestors “Violent Terrorists Who Should Go to Jail for a Long, Long Time”

Oh dear, this statement by Senator Ted Cruz is going to put Ms. Julie Kelly in quite a pickle.  Earlier today, Senator Cruz called the J6 protesting groups a bunch of “violent terrorists … who should go to jail for a long, long time.”

Readers of these pages will not find this mask slip by Cruz to be a big surprise; however, for the legions of Cruz-bots, who have avoided watching him turn into a wolfman type hybrid, literally, this could be problematic.  You only need to watch the first few seconds of this one minute video to see where Senator Cruz stands.  WATCH:

If the 2016 RNC convention speech didn’t shake off his supporters, perhaps this latest revelation will.   Wolfman Cruz is one small nudge to the right of the one-eyed Cheney from Texas.

The Ridiculous Fantasy of a National Divorce

The solution is not some sort of secession or civil war. The solution is for the Right to stop being rank amateurs when it comes to politics and governance.

Every now and then an absurd idea enters the discourse and picks up a sort of memetic traction in spite of itself. The latest such idea is that of a “national divorce” in which Blue America and Red America decide they’ve had enough of each other and call it quits. It popped up most recently when U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) broached the idea on Twitter, but the idea has been entertained by liberal figures as well, most recently the comedienne Sarah Silverman

The impetus for this proposal from conservatives and liberals alike is the recognition that division in our country has gone beyond disagreement and good-natured rivalry to outright hatred. Indeed, far from being united by crisis as we were at crucial points in the past, we are now at a point of schadenfreude—liberals reveling in suffering and disaster when it happens to conservatives, and vice versa. 

The American population has always been divided. That is not a particularly new phenomenon, nor is it unique to America. But in the divisions of the past—even the bloody ones—we found a way to move forward together. As deep as the cultural differences between different sections of the country were, we were still running on the same basic cultural and political operating system inherited from our European-Christian founding. That is not the case now. 

The American population is not just divided, these divisions form subcultures that are entirely alien to one another. Twenty years ago, when challenged by a national crisis in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Americans came together in great unity, which was promptly used by our political class to their own cynical ends. Now, once again challenged by a national crisis, the American people are setting themselves against each other and our political class is using this, too, to their own cynical ends. 

Instead of taking responsibility for the failure of his administration to prepare for successive waves of the virus, along with the failure of the vaccines to mitigate the spread of COVID on a population level, Joe Biden chose to blame vaccine-refuseniks for the pandemic, brushing aside any legitimate objections or the understandable mistrust that large swaths of America have for the medical-industrial complex. Biden was supposed to be all about compassion, empathy, and understanding. 

It is understandable that Americans would be suspicious of the same pharmaceutical companies that ravaged the heartland with opioids and other poisonous drugs, and wary of the same government that refuses to hold those companies accountable. Their general mistrust of a medical system that has failed them for decades and inflicted deep psychological wounds ought to make sense to intelligent people. A little grace would be in order, but it is nowhere to be found. Instead we have an old tyrant ranting on television, blaming these skeptics and demanding they bend the knee or suffer the consequences of financial ruin. It’s no wonder that such behavior would drive people to the extraordinary conclusion that the union must be dissolved. 

It’s not just Biden either. We are in a cold war pitting all against the “other.” The corporate media could barely contain their glee at the seasonal COVID surge that washed over the South this past summer, a tone that has since shifted as the winter wave has washed over the North. When comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan contracted COVID, they mocked his treatment regimen of ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, NAD, and steroids. How disappointed they must have been when the treatments worked! 

This hatred is not just an American phenomenon. When Cardinal Raymond Burke was hospitalized and put on a ventilator, the first sentence in the Associated Press story about it noted he was a vaccine skeptic. As Burke was fighting for his life on the ventilator, Pope Francis did not offer well wishes or ask for prayer for the cardinal, but instead commented, “Even in the College of Cardinals, there are some anti-vaxxers, and one of them, poor man, is in hospital with the virus. But life is ironic.” It is a world war. 

The example of sociopathy set by the powerful has trickled down to ordinary people. I have friends who were disinvited by their families from Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings for being unvaccinated, or in some cases, fully vaccinated but not boosted. I saw one Twitter post where a woman proudly declared that she has “cut off” her mother from speaking with her or seeing her grandchildren because she did not send photographic evidence of voting for Joe Biden. I saw another in which a son denied his father the proper funeral and burial he wished, choosing instead to have him quietly cremated without so much as an obituary in the local paper. He threw his father’s ashes away in the garbage. All because he voted for Donald Trump. 

In Stalin’s Russia, people who denounced their family or friends usually did so for some material benefit or to avoid being imprisoned or executed themselves. Here they do it enthusiastically. 

But a word of warning is in order. The kind of national divorce conservatives have in mind is the amicable separation that Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin sought when they introduced the term “conscious uncoupling” to the cultural lexicon. A world in which two parties could break up without losing everything. It’s an appealing idea. But when liberals say they’re considering a national divorce, they mean they want to take your kids, half your money (plus monthly payments), have you living in a dismal studio apartment furnished solely with an air mattress and a microwave, all while continuing to nag you relentlessly and blame you for their problems. 

Liberalism is fundamentally an ideology of regime change. Those on the Left are never satisfied with dominating the areas they already have, in fact they grow quickly bored with governing them, as can be seen in cities like San Francisco and Seattle. They are always looking beyond the limits of the city to the wide and wild frontier. This is their doctrine of Manifest Predestination—that the arc of history is long but it bends towards a pride flag and BLM sign in front of every house in West Virginia. 

The moment that a conservative breakaway nation achieved independence and success there would be plans already underway for color revolutions and occupation by gender diverse commissars. They will never leave us alone. And they will never let us go. Why would they? 

Just as Pharaoh resisted the emigration of the Israelites, so would liberals and progressives resist their best milk cows leaving for greener pastures. Conservatives are too valuable to let go. It is our labor that keeps this whole system going. At the moment, at least, we have no Moses, no burning bush, no plagues of frogs and blood and pestilence, and most importantly, we are already living in the promised land. We are not strangers in a strange land as were the Israelites. This is the land of my parents and our grandparents and great-grandparents. If anyone is going to leave, it’s going to be the carpetbaggers. I was born here and, by God’s grace, I’m going to die here.

Furthermore, as a practical matter, this isn’t 1862 with the national military comprised of state militias serving the federal government at the pleasure of their governors, with clearly delineated geographic boundaries of affinity and animosity. At the time of the Civil War there wasn’t much of a standing national army—only 16,000 troops. Lincoln had to call on governors to send him 75,000 volunteers with which to invade the newly independent states in the deep South (this was what prompted Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas to leave the union). 

Today, the states don’t have much in the way of loyal organized militias, while the national military is one of the most powerful fighting forces on earth. And while our national divisions still follow the pattern of geography, the divide isn’t between the North and South; it is between urban/inner-suburban America and rural/exurban America. We are a red country with small, densely populated islands of blue, with a handful of each side living behind enemy lines. 

We would also do well to remember the consequences of such a gamble. Out of a combined Union and Confederacy population of around 31 million people, there were more than 1.5 million casualties of that terrible war, including some 750,000 deaths. The defeated South was subjected to a brutal program of subjugation and occupation termed “reconstruction.” Between that and the war, it took the South over a century to fully recover—and in some ways it never really did. 

No, despite America’s weird obsession with monogamy and divorce bleeding into our political thinking, divorce is not an option and neither is civil war. Perhaps we should just see other people and stay together for the kids? 

The solution is not some national divorce or civil war. The solution is for the Right to stop being rank amateurs when it comes to politics and governance. Purge the grifters and incompetents. Bring back the old sharks and have them train a new generation in the art of election warfare. And once in power, actually use that power to purge or destroy the institutions responsible for brainwashing so many of our countrymen. The Right has to articulate and act on a positive vision for America and break out of this learned helplessness that we find ourselves in as we point and object while the other side steadily achieves their goals. We have to learn from the Left in order to defeat it. 

That doesn’t mean copying their framing, narrative, or tactics, but understanding their basic will to power and strategy and adapting our approach to effectively combat it. America lost Vietnam in large part due to our failure to appreciate the Maoist doctrine of political warfare. We were not fighting the same war the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese were fighting. We see echoes of that playbook again, but this time in our own country. 

We could survive losing Vietnam, we cannot survive losing America. No surrender, no retreat, no compromise. This ends in complete victory for them or us. The sooner that the entire right wing of American politics realizes that, the better the odds are that the victory will be ours. 

X22, And we Know, and more-Jan 5


Just waiting for all of Hollywood to just die off from it's ridiculous debts and politics. Forcing hundreds of people who probably want to work just because a few actors are absolutely petrified of getting a flu strain? How pathetic and lazy can you really be? Every other business has to keep on working despite staff shortages, but the movie and tv show making business gets to postpone if someone has a major 'fear' of getting sick for all the made up political reasons? Loooooooosers!! We have to work despite having fears, yet they get to lie in their mansions and put people out of work who probably need the stinking money because they might be afraid of having to take a few days off to rest up from a cold? Well, you get it, they're all hypocrites.

Here's tonight's news:

The Democrats' Exploitation of January 6 Gives Away Their Game


Article by Ben Shapiro in PJMedia

The Democrats' Exploitation of January 6 Gives Away Their Game

This year, Jan. 6 will be commemorated with all the ballyhoo and rigamarole Democrats and their media allies can muster. CNN plans an entire special around the anniversary, titled “Live from the Capitol: January 6th, One Year Later”; the show will feature the “heroes who protected our democracy in the face of an insurrection,” and will include interviews with such luminaries as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and January 6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are also expected to commemorate Jan. 6 with special remarks, and Pelosi has organized a bevy of events in memory of the riot.

Now, you might ask yourself just why Jan. 6 merits such outsized attention. One need not downplay the events — the horrifying image of rioters bashing police officers with metal poles, storming through the halls of Congress shouting for Mike Pence — in order to recognize Jan. 6 for what it was: an ugly but not pivotal moment in American history. The event resulted in one direct death — rioter Ashli Babbitt was shot by a Capitol police officer — and some $1.5 million in property damage to the Capitol building; the Capitol was cleared within hours of the riot, and Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promptly presided over the certification of the 2020 election. Those who broke into the Capitol or even trespassed have ended up in jail.

Meanwhile, by contrast, the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020 resulted in some $2 billion in insured property damage (and likely billions more in uninsured property damage), two dozen people died, and the resultant political movement against the police led to an unprecedented nationwide spike in homicides in major cities. To date, there have been no commemorations from CNN, speeches from Biden or Harris, or a day honoring the police officers who held rioters in check.

So, what lies behind the Democratic-media obsession with Jan. 6? Political opportunism. Democrats aren’t even hiding the ball. Facing the ever-likelier prospect of a 2022 midterm wipeout, Democrats have hit on a strategy: they have to rig the electoral rules and overthrow traditional democratic institutions in order to stop Republicans from rigging the electoral rules and overthrowing traditional democratic institutions. Jan. 6, to opportunistic Democrats, is the all-purpose excuse to use the entire weight of their party to push for a radical revision of Senate rules and federal elections. As Politico reported this week, “Democrats are hoping that Thursday will be more than just a day of remembrance. In the Senate, we hear from well-positioned sources, there’s a desire to take the opportunity to supercharge the party’s long-stalled voting rights legislation — possibly even using the anniversary to try to get Sens. Krysten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va, to go nuclear on the filibuster or embrace rules changes.”

Yes, the electoral village must be burned in order to stop future events similar to Jan. 6. As The New York Times editorialized, “Every Day Is January 6 Now,” arguing, “the Capitol riot continues in statehouses across the country, in a bloodless, legalized form that no police officer can arrest and that no prosecutor can try in court.” The only plausible response is to federalize election procedures constitutionally given to the states, to mandate the corrupt practice of ballot harvesting, to mandate long periods of early voting and universal absentee ballots, to loosen voter verification, and much more.

All because of Jan. 6.

Or, perhaps, because Democrats can read the writing on the wall. They know that November 2022 cometh, and that right soon. And they hope that if they invoke the specter of Jan. 6 repeatedly, Americans will shrug and allow them to usurp authority, violate rules, and rewrite voting procedure. It won’t work. But it should reveal to Americans just who Democrats are, and how little they actually care about Jan. 6 in the first place. 


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The damaging “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” racket needs to be extinguished.

Researchers extraordinaire Jay Greene and James Paul have released a series of three carefully crafted studies on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that detail many aspects of the harmful scheme. In a nutshell, the authors find DEI to be “counterproductive and politically radical.

The part of the study that examines DEI’s effects on elementary schools is particularly damning. It looks at school districts with at least 15,000 students, of which there are 554, and finds that schools with Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) “actually have larger gaps in achievement between black and white students, Hispanic and white students, and non-poor and poor students than districts without CDOs. And those gaps are growing wider over time. This pattern holds true even after controlling for a host of other observable characteristics of those districts.”

The authors explain that the gaps occur because CDOs “are more focused on promoting a political agenda than they are on finding effective educational interventions.” And that political agenda includes advancing policies that typically exacerbate achievement gaps, such as eliminating gifted programs and advanced math classes “while selecting English and Social Studies content for its political orthodoxy rather than educational quality.”

Why would such a bad idea be such an easy sell? Because when you dress up the words, they can sound good, at least to true believers. But in reality, it’s a nightmare for all concerned, except of course for the “progressive” elites who financially benefit from the racket.

One part of the study deals with the anti-Semitic nature of DEI. Interestingly, Greene and Paul compiled Twitter feeds of 741 DEI officials at 65 universities and find “605 tweets that bash Israel and just 28 that praise the Jewish state.” They add that 62 percent of the tweets that reference China were favorable.

When it comes to educational malfeasance, California, as usual, does its best to be the national leader. In fact, there are potholes galore on Equity Road in the Golden State. For starters State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Indoctrinator-in-Chief Tony Thurmond hired Daniel Lee as the state’s first “superintendent of equity.” But shortly thereafter, Politico revealed that Lee, a psychologist, life coach, and self-help author, is also a Pennsylvanian, and was given a job that was never publicly posted by the California state Education Department. Apparently being buddies with Phony Tony was enough to land Lee the $180,000 a year job. When asked if others were interviewed for the job besides Lee, Thurmond replied, “I can’t recall.” If nothing else, Thurmond is living proof that cronyism is alive and well in California.

Then there was the open letter signed by 1,500 (and counting) mathematicians and scientists who have expressed great alarm at the looming “equitable” California Mathematics Framework (CMF) which will become reality sometime this year. According to the concerned scholars, the working version of the framework, among other things, aims to “reduce achievement gaps by limiting the availability of advanced mathematical courses to middle schoolers and beginning high schoolers.” The idea, you see, is to dumb down curricula so it becomes more equitable. Excellence, and striving for it, have become so very passé. The academics add, “…initiatives like the CMF propose drastic changes based on scant and inconclusive evidence. Subjecting the children of our largest state to such an experiment is the height of irresponsibility.”

Also from the Golden State, the formerly world-renowned University of California announced in November that it won’t require any admissions tests for undergraduate applicants. This comes just a little more than a year after it stopped requiring SAT and ACT scores. The reasoning is that the exams “discriminate against low-income students of color and people with disabilities.”

Left unsaid is that eliminating all tests actually guarantees unfairness, as college admissions officials get to decide which group they favor, and this of course is discriminatory. On that note, referring to Harvard’s “holistic” (read “subjective”) approach to admissions, Glenn Reynolds points out it will make the Ivy League school’s already extensive discrimination against Asians easier, and harder to prove. Reynolds adds, “The Ivy League did the same thing in the first half of the last century, when it was afraid it would be overrun by Jews. It started emphasizing ‘well-roundedness,’ ‘leadership,’ athletics and things that Jewish immigrants would find harder to satisfy. Now it’s doing it again.” California seems to be following Harvard’s M.O.

The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley notes that one of the major drawbacks of affirmative-action policies is, that in the name of helping some blacks, “they taint the accomplishments of all blacks. No one with any self-respect wants to be perceived as a token, whether in the workplace or on a college campus.”

In the real world, as diversity becomes king and quality is relegated to the ash heap, I would love to pose the following questions to any diversicrat:

The next time you are trying to find a surgeon, will you pick the one who was licensed because she was the right minority, or the one who earned her position the old-fashioned way? Now substitute auto mechanic and electrician for surgeon. How do you respond? And, do you want your favorite basketball team to be comprised of players of various ethnicities and genders, or the one that had the best damned players money could buy?

I can’t wait for your response.

Italian mafia boss caught after Google Maps sighting in Spain


An Italian mafia boss who has been on the run for decades has been arrested after he was spotted on Google Maps.

Gioacchino Gammino, 61, was found in Galapagar, Spain, where he was living under the name Manuel.

A Google Street View shot showing a man resembling Gammino standing in front of a grocery shop was key to tracking the fugitive, investigators say.

Gammino escaped a Rome prison in 2002 and was sentenced to life in jail the following year for murder.

He was a member of a Sicilian mafia group known as Stidda and was one of Italy's most wanted gangsters.

Sicilian police believed Gammino was in Spain, but it was the photo of him talking to a man outside El Huerto de Manu, or Manu's Garden, that triggered an immediate investigation.

His identity was confirmed when police found a Facebook page of a now-closed restaurant, Cocina de Manu, which was located nearby. It had posted photos of Gammino wearing chef's clothes and he was identified by a scar on his chin.

The restaurant had Sicilian dishes on the menu.  

He was arrested on 17 December, but it was only reported by La Repubblica on Wednesday.

After his arrest, he reportedly told police: "How did you find me? I haven't even called my family for 10 years."

Gammino is in custody in Spain and Italian police hope to bring him back to Italy by the end of February, Nicola Altiero, the deputy director of the Italian anti-mafia police unit, told Reuters news agency.  

Wokeism Cannot Be Wished Away

Pronouncements on the impending death of the woke mania are premature.

My friend Paul Gottfried has already ably and trenchantly critiqued the faulty assumptions about the meaning of recent elections offered by Scott McConnell in his recent American Conservative essay. In it, McConnell suggests we might be at the end of wokeist domination of political and cultural discourse in the country. He is, alas, wrong. Wokeist power cannot be so easily wished away.

McConnell’s piece is long, so I’ll concentrate on just two of his more specific claims in order to illustrate his missteps. 

He claims, in the article’s penultimate paragraph, that wokeists make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, citing the Pew Research Center but without a link. I assume he is referring to the November Pew survey on political ideologies that has been much discussed online. These results do not at all support McConnell’s claim. 

Pew divides the left-leaning portion of the American public into four groups. McConnell apparently believes only one of these, the progressive Left, counts as woke. But the Pew write-up on its results, and the data show this is not so. Another 10 percent of the American population are what Pew classifies as “Outsider Leftists,” who hold views on issues indistinguishable from those of the progressives and differ only in that, unlike progressives, they reject bothestablished political parties as an effective means of action. That is, they are in some ways more radical than the Progressives. 

Pew breaks down their data from all groups on how they feel about redress of “racial bias” and whether they think “systemic change” is needed. About two thirds of both Progressive and Outsider Leftists say “yes.” More importantly, of the two other left-leaning groups, which Pew calls “Establishment Liberals” and “Democratic Mainstays,” nearly 30 percent and 40 percent (respectively) agree. Establishment liberals are 13 percent of the American public and Democratic mainstays are 16 percent. 

When you do the math here, it means that more than 20 percent, or more than 1 in 5, of the American electorate believes that systemic change is needed to address “racial bias.” That number is still larger than 1 in 5, because Pew shows that small percentages of all the centrist and Right groups agree with this sentiment, too. How much impact on affairs can one-fifth or more of the voting population have, especially when they disproportionately occupy important institutional positions? McConnell’s refusal to see survey data clearly results in a total misread of how many people in this country agree with woke principles.

McConnell also comments on how, in his view, there are signs of popular culture rejection of Woke principles. He invokes as evidence a recent Netflix series, “The Chair,” claiming that the show presents activist college students who illegitimately try to badger a white male professor out of his job on a trumped up social media cancellation campaign as the bad guys. 

Either McConnell has not seen the series or he was not paying close attention when he did. The foundational presupposition of “The Chair” is that higher education is currently dominated by old conservative white people, and they need to be replaced with progressive people of color such as the series’ star Sandra Oh’s character, Professor Ji-Yoon Kim, who is the child of Korean immigrants. 

Kim has just become chairwoman of the department of English, which is facing cutbacks because student enrollment in courses is down. The series tries to explain this is because too many of those old white guys are teaching courses the current crop of students doesn’t like—courses in the Western canon, basically—and they want hip, politically correct, new courses like those taught by the lone black faculty member. She has overflow enrollments for her course “Sex and the Novel,” in which she gives her students—nearly all female and disproportionately nonwhite—assignments such as tweeting their favorite line from Moby Dick

An older male colleague, a Melville scholar, is critical of the idea. “I want them to become absorbed in the story line, the beauty of the phrasing, but if all they’re doing is looking for the flashiest soundbite, [that’s] low-hanging fruit,” he says. Her response: “It’s a way of connecting with them. And I find that it mobilizes the skills of close reading.” Because it’s just so obvious that Twitter and close reading go hand-in-hand.

The “Sex and the Novel” professor, an untenured young black female, is presented as by far the most human and knowledgeable person in the department. She seems to know everything, correcting her colleagues’ misquoting of Shakespeare, though she is a scholar (of course) of African-American writing. She is lauded for her recent article on Frances Harper, an obscure 19th-century black abolitionist writer. Anyone who has been inside a real university in recent years and observed the way that black faculty are lauded to the skies by colleagues and administrators alike there for their every move knows from whence this characterization draws its contour. 

Kim teaches in the same progressive Left pedagogical style. We see her in class writing long passages on the board from Gloria Anzaldua, a radical queer theorist, telling her students: “You don’t need to have an answer. I’m more interested in your questions than answers . . . When I get up in the morning, I’m excited to come to class not because I get to teach you but because I get to learn from you.” The tenured chairwoman of the department is learning from students who do not have and are not expected even to attempt any answers. This tells you everything you need to know about the contemporary university. Kim then signs a student’s “Save Ethnic Studies” petition when class concludes. 

Even the white male professor who is the object of the cancellation campaign is a woke progressive. He is the ally and former lover of Kim, who agrees with her that the way forward in higher education is to eliminate people who look like him and replace them with people who look like her and the black African-American studies scholar.

The frame of the entire series is that universities in 2021 are reactionary cesspools filled with white racist dinosaurs who must be swept away by the radical and diverse wave of wokeness. From this, McConnell finds reason to be optimistic about the waning of wokeness.

During the Christmas season and at the turn of a new year, exhortations to be of good cheer are always welcome. McConnell’s, however, is without much substance.

Jan. 6 Has Become A New National Holiday For Democrats

Federalist Western Correspondent Tristan Justice said Monday that Democrats have adopted the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a new national holiday on the same pedestal as 9/11 after spending a year justifying sustained inner-city carnage from left-wing anarchists.

“Nothing has exposed how performative the outrage over Jan. 6 has been like the committee set up by Speaker Pelosi,” Justice said on “Hold the Line” with Buck Sexton. “We saw none of the same people who are so outraged by Jan. 6 — that they’re trying to put it up on the same pedestal as 9/11 — we saw none of those same people similarly outraged by the months-long insurrection launched by left-wing anarchists.”

“Dozens died, thousands of livelihoods were destroyed, federal buildings were attacked, and senators were attacked,” Justice added, “and yet we didn’t have cry sessions in the House, or we didn’t have multiple hearings or a special commission to probe the violence by the same people who are now vilifying Jan. 6 as some type of worst attack on American democracy.”

Meanwhile, bad actors exploiting the hours-long episode a year ago, Justice said, have made up their own timelines to indict former President Donald Trump and his supporters as complicit in the violence.

“Liz Cheney,” Justice said, in reference to the Wyoming Republican lawmaker appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the panel, “made up a timeline in a House hearing last month saying Donald Trump waited 187 minutes to say anything. Donald Trump put out a tweet within 25 minutes of the first Capitol building breached.”

Another 370,000 Workers Quit in November, Total Quits Rate Now 4.5 Million

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the November job openings and turnover data today [DATA HERE] showing 370,000 workers quit their jobs in November bringing the quits rate now to 4.5 million people.

From the report, “Quits increased in several industries with the largest increases in accommodation and food services (+159,000); health care and social assistance (+52,000); and transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+33,000).”

Over the 12 months ending in November 2021, hires totaled 74.5 million and separations totaled 68.7 million, yielding a net employment gain of 5.9 million for 2021. However, while the unemployment rate drops with fewer people working, the employment picture overall appears to be tenuous.

The FRED personal savings rate for Americans overall [DATA HERE] has been dropping rapidly since March 2021, the last federal COVID employment bailout injection. All of the federal assistance has created massive data skews in the savings rate, as federal subsidies gave an artificial boost to the U.S. savings rate.

It appears that the aggregate American worker is now using their savings, created by COVID bailouts, to offset the massive inflation created by the COVID bailouts.  The net result is a workforce going into negative savings each month as inflation driven expenses (energy, fuel, food) are higher than earnings.  This is an unsustainable situation.

There is obviously a large retirement factor in the quits rate; however, it does appear the vaccination mandate is also a major influence. Additionally, when talking about people living paycheck-to-paycheck, rapid inflation almost always causes job-jumping for workers to get higher wages.

According to the BLS data, in November the job openings rate decreased in small establishments with 10-49 employees. This could be due to employees returning to small business, and/or there are fewer small businesses around to be hiring.

The hires rate rate increased in very large employers with 5,000 or more employees. However, the quits rate increased in both small businesses with 1-9 employees and in medium-sized businesses (1,000 to 4,999 employees). The I9 contracted workers are also leaving small and mid-size employers.

Then comes a significant aspect, “both the layoffs and discharges rate -and the total separations rate- increased in the larger establishments with 1,000 to 4,999 employees.” This could indicate mid-sized businesses are starting to see contractions in sales or demand and lowering their payrolls. This outlook would match the productivity drops we noted last month.

(DECEMBER CTH) – “The value of all products and services generated increased by 1.8 percent.  However, the labor cost of generating that small amount of added value increased by 7.4 percent.  The difference between those two numbers is a drop in productivity of 5.2% over the entire quarter.

This is the largest quarterly drop in productivity since 1960 !

The Biden administration will blame the drop in productivity on a lack of material to produce the end product (ie. the COVID excuse).  Which means employed people were sitting around waiting for goods to arrive and being less productive.   There is a small amount of that which might be true.  However, it is not the biggest factor, at least not on this scale.  Keep in mind we are talking about both goods and services.

The more likely cause of such a massive decline in productivity is a genuine decline in demand.  In the aggregate, consumers needed less goods and services.  This likelihood aligns with the diminished and softened retail sales figures recently noted.   It is a simple cause and effect.  When gasoline, energy, and essential products like food cost more, consumers have less money for other stuff.  Demand for the non-essential products drop.” (more)

When we look at the macro picture, things look a lot clearer than the financial pundits talk about.

After the March 2021 peak of savings rate (massive fed spending bill), sometime around June of 2021, the U.S. economy overall started to jam up.  In May of 2021 the first round of massive inflation started, what the Fed and White House called “transitional”, but we noted it wasn’t.

Then, new home housing starts, and contracts for new homes yet to be built suddenly stopped; while at the same time (June/July 2021) new permits for construction dropped.  From that moment forward prices for food, fuel and energy related products started a massive upward spike.  Despite the Fed and administration “transitional” talking points, the prices continued to climb and inflation was growing month over month.

The middle class and working class started to really feel the inflationary pain in the second half of 2021.  It was not the Delta variant driving this economic pain, it was inflation and the collapse of disposable incomes.  By the time we go to November 2021, suddenly the low employment gains shocked the financial pundits.  A few weeks later, we saw sales data from November go down, and retail hiring for the holiday season was non-existent.

Take a look at the timeline in hindsight. At exactly the wrong time last year, September 2021, Joe Biden mandated vaccination for all U.S. workers.   The economic data was sending signals that things were tenuous, but no one was paying attention.  The already tenuous economy and labor pool (economists ignoring) was hit with an ultimatum of forced vaccination or get fired.

It’s not a single factor leading to this quits rate data.  As you can see, there is a snowball effect inside the data.   Wages earned, including any pay raises, have been chewed up by much higher inflation.   When we look back upon this economy in a year, I am quite certain we will identify the inflection point as June of 2021.  That’s when things peaked and started to go down.

Keep in mind, inflation has a big impact on job turnover.  When people feel inflation, they look for pay raises.  Larger employers are slower to respond to pay raises driven by worker needs, and many have very structured pay raise guidance.

Ex. if a worker needs a raise (immediate inflation driven), and the boss or organization is less responsive (structured pay raise schedule or performance review), the worker can get a faster pay raise by quitting their employer and going to work at a higher entry wage rate with another firm.   If the job market is tight, the worker can make much more doing this.  This is called job-jumping.  In my opinion, this is a big factor right now.

So, what does the labor market look like in your town?  What is going on in/around your community and local economy?   Are you seeing a drop in spending habits overall for the people around you?   The workforce hunkering down, forced to spend savings to survive and dealing with massive rising costs, will ultimately lead to less employment.

What do you see around you?