Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Senator Ted Cruz Calls J6 Protestors “Violent Terrorists Who Should Go to Jail for a Long, Long Time”

Oh dear, this statement by Senator Ted Cruz is going to put Ms. Julie Kelly in quite a pickle.  Earlier today, Senator Cruz called the J6 protesting groups a bunch of “violent terrorists … who should go to jail for a long, long time.”

Readers of these pages will not find this mask slip by Cruz to be a big surprise; however, for the legions of Cruz-bots, who have avoided watching him turn into a wolfman type hybrid, literally, this could be problematic.  You only need to watch the first few seconds of this one minute video to see where Senator Cruz stands.  WATCH:

If the 2016 RNC convention speech didn’t shake off his supporters, perhaps this latest revelation will.   Wolfman Cruz is one small nudge to the right of the one-eyed Cheney from Texas.