Wednesday, January 5, 2022

X22, And we Know, and more-Jan 5


Just waiting for all of Hollywood to just die off from it's ridiculous debts and politics. Forcing hundreds of people who probably want to work just because a few actors are absolutely petrified of getting a flu strain? How pathetic and lazy can you really be? Every other business has to keep on working despite staff shortages, but the movie and tv show making business gets to postpone if someone has a major 'fear' of getting sick for all the made up political reasons? Loooooooosers!! We have to work despite having fears, yet they get to lie in their mansions and put people out of work who probably need the stinking money because they might be afraid of having to take a few days off to rest up from a cold? Well, you get it, they're all hypocrites.

Here's tonight's news: