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When You’re A Dumb As A Hammer, Everything Is A Nail

To hear some in politics talk about, “white supremacy” is so fundamental to what the United States is that it is the overriding force in every aspect of life. As we move to a “Metaverse” and a more digital world, the allegations of racism have naturally followed. Why? Because we’re really out of problems as a species which causes some of our lot to just make things up to fill the void. Yes, it’s that simple and that stupid. 

It’s safe to say racism has jumped the shark now that we have charges of racism against an artificial intelligence influencer because of the color of its skin compared to the color of the skin of the person who created this fake person. If that sounds confusing and stupid it’s only because it is. The whole idea is. 

Forbes describes the concept this way, “With the rise of influencer marketing, it becomes harder for brands to diversify their social media strategy and find influencers who resonate with their target audience. To keep up with the challenges that arise within influencer marketing, many brands embrace an alternative approach to influencers and create their own AI influencers they can control every aspect of. Lil Miquela and Shudu are some of the best examples of AI social media influencers who boast great visibility and can help brands stand out with their unique form of expression.”

The “problem,” insofar as it exists, is with Shudu. Shudu isn’t real, it is a computer program, AI created to be a digital black woman. But Shudu was created by a white man named Cameron-James Wilson, and since the AI is now being used by some companies in their online marketing campaign, that white man is making money off his creation. That led to the headline on Yahoo! Finance reading, “World’s First AI Supermodel is a Black Woman: But Her Creator is a White Man Who Reaps the Profit.” 

Author Vanessa Angélica Villarreal found the existence of Shudu, or more specifically the existence of Shudu being created by a white man, to be problematic. Villarreal tweeted, “Do you know who Shudu is? I just found out—she’s the first AI model. She’s been ‘hired’ across the industry which means her creators, white men, NOT a Black woman, are the ones paid. And companies get to say they ran Black content without having to work with or hire Black people.”

The thread continued, “That’s what you’re enabling Lensa to do when you give them your likeness. The more images you give it, the smarter and more lifelike it becomes. In addition to deepfakes or putting your face somewhere it’s never been or saying something you’d never say—AI is also Blackface.”

“And the worst kind of Blackface,” Villarreal added. “Shudu is not only Black, but indigenous African, from the Ndebele people, but with European features.   Except she isn’t. She is the product of a white imaginary of Black indigeneity. Cameron-James Wilson’s white imagination.”

Shudu is not real, Shudu does not exist. Shudu is a computer program, not an indigenous person from anywhere or member of any tribe. None of this should need to be said, but there it is. 

This is what the political left has reduced existence to: arguing over something that does not exist in order to manufacture more victimhood. Victimhood is the desired state of existence for the left now, it’s a form of currency, the most desired form of currency – the Bitcoin of existence and everyone is clamoring to be an early adopter. 

Honestly, what else do they have? Their charming personalities and an upbeat disposition? 

On MSNBC the other day, naturally, an “expert guest” insisted any thoughts that Joe Biden left Paul Whelan behind when he gave away the store to release intersectional celebrity Brittney Griner from Russia was met with outrage. “People hear that information and then go out and spread misinformation, and that’s really the problem here,” she said. She then immediately followed that up with, “On top of the fact that Brittney Griner is a woman of color who is also a gay woman. So we cannot take that out of the equation too.”

We actually could take that out of the equation since it’s irrelevant. But the left can’t allow that because it’s all they have. You can almost see the coins being collected like a Super Mario game when these leftists fight to shoehorn race into something. It’s all they have, and maybe it’s all they are, I don’t know. 

Leftists used to be much more interesting, now all they do is cry victim. It’s made them dumber, if that were possible. And when you’re a dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail.