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The Democrats’ ‘America First’ Policy

Due to the Democrats’ woke ideology, democracy is not only in retreat across the globe, but also here at home.

Without evidence, the Democrats believe they are far more intelligent and sophisticated than the rest of the citizenry. If one dissents from the Democrats’ ideology or policies, one is quickly deemed a lowbrow Neanderthal incapable of understanding their “nuanced” positions. Worse, one is branded a social miscreant with sundry epithets ending in “-ist” and/or “-phobic.” The irony of this knee jerk resort to ad hominem attacks belies their airs to intellectual and moral superiority. 

Yet, the consequences of the Democrats’ ignorance, hubris, hypocrisy, and callous cupidity are far more extensive and damaging than a mere irritant.

Often, Joe Biden and his administration assert how across the globe democracy is in retreat. Although Biden has a penchant for emphasizing the most dire outcome, however fanciful, to mask his own abysmal performance, let us stipulate to his assessment that freedom is receding across the globe. 

Unfortunately for Biden and his handlers, our stipulation that democracy is under siege throughout the world only serves to highlight their disgraceful conduct.

This year, the captive peoples of three dictatorships rose up to throw off the yoke of their oppressors. In these three barbaric regimes, the Democrats’ ideology and policies, far from helping these peoples to breathe free and curb the advance of “autocracy,” have contrarily helped these tyrants to stifle their oppressed peoples’ courageous struggles for freedom.

While the people of Cuba rose against the communist regime enslaving them, the Biden Administration took a “nuanced” view; preached patience; issued platitudes; and excused and indulged the regime.

While the people of Iran rose against the terrorist regime butchering them, the Biden Administration, like the Obama Administration before it, took a “nuanced” view; preached patience; issued platitudes; and excused and indulged the regime.

While the people of China rose against the communist regime tyrannizing and committing genocide against them, the Biden Administration took a “nuanced” view; preached patience; issued platitudes; and excused and indulged the regime.

Yet, there is one nation where the Democrats’ do not choose to take a nuanced view. One, they allege, is a systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and colonizing nation filled with domestic terrorists and Nazis. One that is beyond redemption and requiring a fundamental transformation to “renew” its democracy. True, the Democrats do indulge this nation’s repressive regime, too, which makes sense because they run it. Can you guess this nation’s name?

This is the Democrats’ version of “America First.” Evidently, the Biden Administration must destroy our free republic to save it; transmogrifying it into a fascist regime stifling all dissenters to cement one party rule in order to . . . renew democracy? 

History has proven the dangers of the Democrats’ proposition; but hubris combined with cognitive dissonance proves a powerful malady. Every autocratic, totalitarian, and murderous regime has commenced by promising “liberation” and delivering repression—and worse. Such regimes claim they must strip citizens of rights, usually starting by imposing censorship; and jail dissidents to secure “equality” amongst the populace and national “stability.” Ultimately, when these hideous regimes’ repression fails to produce their desired results, their concentration camps and killing fields fill with their victims, murdered for yearning to be free.

For many of these victims, the United States was a beacon of freedom, and a source of hope. But to the American Left, the United States is the antithesis of their woke secular religion and, ergo, the font of global inhumanity. It must be stanched and transformed to spur a recrudescence of democracy. Again, this is the antithesis of reality. Nonetheless, Democrats stubbornly aver their less than nuanced “America First” policy is the sole path to advance “democracy.” Sure, it is—for those who define “democracy” like they do in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

No, in this case, there is evidence and it is clear: Due to the Democrats’ woke ideology, democracy is not only in retreat across the globe, but also here at home.