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Media goes into mourning over Fauci’s retirement

From the way the media is mourning, you’d think Fauci was dying rather than retiring.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s retirement is just days away. And while all you’ll get out of me is a full-throated “good riddance,” the American corporate news media seems to have gone into mourning over his impending departure.

Have you noticed? From the way they’re carrying on, you wouldn’t think Fauci is just hanging up his government-issued lab coat and retiring on a $300K taxpayer-funded pension. Nope. They’re mourning as if Fauci shed this mortal coil and shuffled off to hell.

Hang on. Just the thought of that last part left me with a happy. So give me a minute.



Okay! I’m back.

This diminutive asshole the media dubbed “America’s Doctor” is retiring and these guys can barely contain their grief.

We’re going to get inundated with glowing, gushing tributes to the man from now until he leaves. And those tributes will only grow more intense and reverential the closer we get to “Good Riddance” day.

Over the weekend, the New York Times published a column celebrating the career of the sanctimonious prat with a God complex written by none other than the sanctimonious prat himself, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Okay, guys. Who can we get to write the most nauseating hagiography on Dr. Anthony Fauci?”

“How about we get Fauci himself to write it?”

“That’s DOCTOR Fauci, and yeah. What a great idea!”

The only other person the American media has gone to such lengths to sanctify is Greta Thunberg.

I once wrote that even the godless are created in the image of God, and as such, even they long for a connection with the divine. But since the godless reject God, they try to find that connection elsewhere by deifying something or someone else.

This is what they did with Tony Fauci and Greta Thunberg.

Fauci and Greta became the Patron Saints of Science, and as such, any criticism or (heaven forbid) mockery of them wasn’t just off-limits, it was blasphemous.

So if their patron saint, the blessed “America’s Doctor,” decides to retire, is it all that surprising they’d go into mourning?

Good heavens, just this weekend, Elon Musk set off a firestorm on Twitter simply by tweeting, “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.”

The Guardians of the Church of St. Fauci snapped into action, accusing Musk of harassing their pipsqueak saint.

The Fauci Faithful have lost all sense of perspective. You can’t get through to them.

But that’s what happens when you take a mere mortal and make him a demigod.

Of course, they’re mourning his retirement.

While Fauci was in his office, they could rest assured, knowing “he has the whole world in his hands.”

But now, with his retirement, these guys believe lives will be lost.

For those of us not under his spell, we can mark the imminent departure of this career bureaucrat with delusions of grandeur with the more fitting, “Good riddance” and “Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.”

New Civil Liberties Alliance attorney Jenin Younes, who recently deposed Fauci, put it this way on Twitter yesterday:

And yet, the media will mourn Fauci’s retirement far more than they ever mourned the lives and livelihoods that Anthony Fauci destroyed because he viewed himself as the human embodiment of Science.

Media goes into mourning over Fauci’s retirement