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X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- Nov 9


Do I have an explanation for last night? There is, but it's very long, and the podcasters down below can explain it far better then I ever can.

I will say this though: There is a huge doom and gloom push going on from the MSM and even weakling conservatives saying that we should just give up on certain states, give up on Trump, and other bullcrap. DON'T BUY INTO ANY OF IT!! This is exactly what the enemy wants, they want us to think there is no chance of any of us ever winning so we don't feel compelled to fight them. Don't give them that satisfaction! What have the last 2 years been about? And what have we accomplished in these last 2 years from fighting back? Think of it carefully before you think it's time to become forever slaves to the liberals.

I can see how easy it can be to think that all is lost, that's how vulnerable people end up becoming doom and gloomers. The trick is to either ignore them, or tell them to become more informed. Hope and encouragement is contagious, and it sure as hell beats being very gloomy!

If anyone thinks I'm some kind of fraud or controlled opposition because things didn't go the way you wanted it to, then I suggest you either go back to your doom bubble, or become very very more informed! Because I am neither of those.

There is a bright light at the end of all this, it may not come exactly when you want it to, but it's there. Whether or not you choose to believe it is up to you.

Enjoy tonight's podacsts. Hope you find them informative and comforting.