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Thankful for Sunlight

As I have said: “the primary contest in 2024 is going to be epic, because this time the MAGA scruffnecks will, for the first time in years, clearly see who the enemy within the Republican ranks really are. This makes them so much easier to defeat, and also explains why the corporate and billionaire professional managers within the Club are desperate to keep stuff hidden.”

The recent statements against MAGA by former House Speaker Paul Ryan and former Attorney General Bill Barr, are examples of this increased sunlight.  Do not be discouraged by their attacks, we need this clarity. Each moment the corrupt step forward, is a moment to smile.

[Via Dutchman] – I see all SORTS of encouraging news, and Sundance declaring “The Big Ugly” outright WAR between Mainstreet vs Wallstreet is on, is the best news, EVAH.  I have been spoiling for this fight, for YEARS.

The Wall Street group are like stealth bombers; their strength is in their stealth; take that AWAY, and they are just another airplane, as vulnerable to AA fire as any other.  Actually, MORE vulnerable, because they are designed and pilots are trained with the assumption of having stealth, and so they are terrible at evasive maneuvers.

EVERY battle in which MAGA forces RINO to expose themselves and their true nature, is a victory for US, even if we take casualties.

So, J6 a victory for US, as RINOS said, “let em rot in jail!”

2022 midterms, a victory for us as McCarthy were exposed, donating to MAGA opponents.

Cheer up, we WILL take more casualties, but poor mitch is BUCK NAKED, as are the rest of the effete elites.