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Watch: Trump Supporters Smoothly Turn Tables on MSNBC 'Reporter' After 'Gotcha' Questions on Capitol Riot

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

One of the more frustrating things in the aftermath of the Capitol riot has been the left’s/mainstream media’s continued insistence on labeling anyone and everyone who went to then-President Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally and/or who agreed with him that there were shenanigans at play during the 2020 election as traitors to their country even though the vast majority of those who were in attendance that day did not take part in the breaching of the Capitol, which was said to have began while Trump was still speaking.

Unfortunately for The Usual Suspects, however, their continued smears of innocent people along with their gross distortions and disgusting lies about what happened on January 6, 2021, have not impressed nor moved most voters, who in poll after poll over the last several months have indicated that the Capitol riot either ranks low or not at all on their priority lists as Election Day draws nearer.

Needless to say, this has caused much heartbreak and gnashing of teeth among Democrats who thought for sure that endless sham “hearings” into the events of that day would move the needle in their direction.

It hasn’t, and as further proof of that, we turn to a recent interview done by an MSNBC reporter of Pittsburgh-area Trump supporters (who presumably are also supporters of PA GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano) who were being questioned about the Capitol riot. Watch below as she asks several leading questions and at times seems almost patronizing, but the Trump supporters don’t bite. In fact, they corrected her multiple times, most notably on the right of people to protest in this country without being punished over their political beliefs and also on the issue of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death, which the reporter incorrectly claimed happened on the day of the riot:

For the record, Officer Brian Sicknick was not beaten to death as had been originally and widely reported and repeatedly regurgitated by Democrats. Through the D.C. medical examiner, we learned in April 2021 that Sicknick died on January 7, 2021, the day after the Capitol riot, due to natural causes brought on by two strokes.

Also, four other officers, sadly, took their own lives in the weeks and months after the riot.

Four Trump supporters died the day of the riot, two from natural causes and one from a reported amphetamine drug overdose. Killed was 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt, who was shot dead by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd as she tried to climb through a glass-paneled door after parts of it had been shattered by rioter Zachary Jordan Alam.

As per the norm, the media are going all out in the final weeks before the election in a clear effort to rescue Joe and his fellow Democrats, even if they have to continue smearing Trump supporters in the process. Sadly for the MSM, all signs are not just pointing to a red wave of significant proportions, but trust in the media as an institution has crumbled, so their machinations – while predictable – are likely to have little to no impact, as the above MSNBC reporter found out the hard way.