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Top 10 Outdated Family Traditions And What You Can Replace Them With

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Are you and your backward family still following those outdated family traditions? It's time to drop those archaic and meaningless activities for some family traditions that actually matter!

So get with the times and check out these superior modern replacements!


Old: Thanking God for providing this meal

New: Thanking government for providing this meal


Old: Taking kids to an art museum

New: Gluing kids to the wall in an art museum to protest climate change


Old: Going to church

New: Going to family-friendly Drag shows


Old: Carving the turkey on Thanksgiving

New: Carving the crickets


Old: Handing over the keys to his first car

New: Handing over his government-issued public transportation card


Old: Playing out in the mud

New: Vaccinating your infant 70+ times and hoping for the best


Old: Telling your kids not to smoke

New: Begging them to smoke so they don't vape


Old: Watching Lord of the Rings

New: Watching Rings of Power


Old: Teaching your kids they can be anything

New: Teaching your kids they are mentally ill victims


Old: Bedtime stories

New: Oh no! You don't even have kids!


Well, now you know. Don't be a knuckle-dragger and get out there and embrace modernity!