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Tiny Head

A little Sunday Photoshop fun with Tiny Head Fetterman.

said Friday that I wanted to take that bizarre picture of Tiny Head Fetterman meeting Biden at the airport and Photoshop it to make his head even tinier, but Matt’s Idea Shop was already working on it.

Here is Matt’s Tiny Head Fetterman:

Okay, that’s funny.

Then last night for some reason I got the song “Once in a Lifetime” stuck in my head. And suddenly, I asked myself, “Well, how did I get here?”

Okay, not really.

Let’s try that again.

And suddenly, it dawned on me, “I could Photoshop Tiny Head Fetterman in David Byrne’s BIG SUIT!”

It’s perfect. Not only can I put Tiny Head Fetterman in a BIG SUIT but I can also make use of the Talking Heads movie, “Stop Making Sense,” which, when you get right down to it, is perfect for a guy who doesn’t make any sense.

Anyway. Here it is:

Tiny Head

Hey, speaking of not making any sense.

Did you see this clip from Joe Biden’s MSNBC interview?

Frankly, I’m stunned that MSNBC let this portion of the interview air.

It’s as if deep down in Joe’s subconscious, he fact-checked himself in real-time.

He says it is his intention to run for reelection, then two seconds later, he demonstrates precisely why his intent isn’t worth a plug nickel.

Worse still, Joe inadvertently lets the cat out of the bag by acknowledging that it isn’t his intention to run. It’s Jill’s.

Just like Gisele Fetterman is the “de facto candidate” for her husband, Jill Biden is the “de facto” president planning a second term in the White House.

Both Tiny Head Fetterman and Joe Biden prove that behind every brain-damaged man, there is a scheming, power-hungry woman who is calling the shots.