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Dr. Dementia Meets Frankenstein’s candidate

Biden’s visit to Pittsburgh was an in-kind
 contribution to the Oz campaign.

Okay, I’m just popping in quickly to comment on President Dementia traveling to Pittsburgh yesterday to meet with Frankenstein’s candidate. 

Did you see this picture?

Frankenstein's candidate

I mean, what the Sam Hill is this?!

That isn’t photoshopped. That’s Frankenstein’s candidate in all his troglodyte glory.

His head is two sizes too small.

Now, I was going to photoshop that image giving Frankenstein’s candidate an even tinier head. But this morning before starting my paying job, I saw that Matt’s Idea Shop was already planning to do that on Twitter. 

Ah, well. Great minds and all.

So old Joe heads to the ‘burgh to campaign with Frankenstein’s candidate and Frankenstein’s candidate didn’t say one word during the event.

But when Joe spoke, he pretty much confirmed what Rolling Stone writer Kara Voght said over the weekend, namely that Bride of Frankenstein is the “de facto” candidate.

Yup, Joe addressed Gisele Fetterman, telling her she would be a “great lady in the Senate.”

And after the event was over, Frankenstein’s candidate wouldn’t answer a reporter’s question. Instead, Gisele piped in, de facto candidate that she is, to tell the reporter that they weren’t taking any questions.

Oh, yeah. This is all completely normal.

This is so normal, I’d go so far as to call it Abby Normal.

Young Frankenstein

Speaking of abnormal.

What in Lucifer’s reach is this old demented man saying here?!

Look, I’m no special pleader for Dr. Oz. Is he the ideal Republican candidate? No. But if I lived in Pennsylvania still, I would crawl over broken glass to vote for him just to stop Gisele Fetterman from sliding into the Senate on her pin-head husband’s gigantic coattails.