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X22, On the Fringe, and more- August 4


The very 1st big teaser for NCIS LA's Season premiere, simply must be of Hetty.

Why? Think of it, the first big teaser, after so much secrecy, being of the most beloved team member, who hasn't been seen since last October for some nefarious unknown reason. It would completely deafen the news of the utterly predictable crossover between 2 other NCIS's (which any dummy who follows BTS content knew was coming since late June)! And would offer everyone an actual REAL reason to actually look forward to an episode again for the first time since, um. March or February? I forgot when 'All the Little Things' aired.

Plus, it would give me something huge to talk about that isn't political.

LA needs something that's actually big to stand out from the other 2, and Hetty is their only real answer. I pray they know that.

Here's tonight's news: