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Democrats fear the Lame Duck label

Once Joe’s labeled a lame duck, his entire presidency is dead in the water.

If there is one thing the Democrats fear more than Joe Biden’s cratering poll numbers leading into the midterm elections, it’s having Joe labeled a Lame Duck president less than two years into his term.

Polling already shows the Democrats are likely to lose control of the House. But if they have to face November with a Lame Duck president tied around their necks like a millstone, the midterms could be a bloodbath.

Who wants to vote for the party of a guy who has already decided to pack it in?

This is why the Democrats are playing along with Biden’s quixotic claim that he will be running for reelection in 2024.

Nobody in the White House or the DNC believes Biden will be running again. He’s too damn old and even Democrat voters don’t want him to run.

But if they admitted before November that old Joe is a one-term guy, he would instantly transform into a Lame Duck, unleashing political chaos throughout the party right before voters go to the polls.

And that wouldn’t do.

So they have to play along, pretending to believe that a guy who will be 82 in 2024 is definitely, positively, pinky-swear running for reelection, and by golly, he totally should because he’s been such a great leader who has done so many wonderful things.

The other day during the Democrat primary debate for New York’s 10th congressional district, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney committed the unpardonable sin of not playing along.

When asked if Joe Biden should run again, Maloney said she didn’t believe Biden is running for reelection.

Two days later, Maloney was forced to issue a mea culpa and retract her remarks live on CNN:

“Sorry I called you a Lame Duck, Mr. President.”

Now, I guarantee you, Joe Biden wasn’t the one demanding Maloney embarrass herself this way. He’s still trying to figure out how to get the VCR thingy to record his shows.

The Democrat leadership and possibly the White House ordered Maloney to do it because the last thing they need is Joe Biden getting slapped with the Lame Duck label.

And not just because it would damage the Democrat Party’s midterm prospects either. Getting labeled a Lame Duck would hamstring this White House for the remainder of Biden’s term. This administration’s agenda would be dead in the water while Lame Duck Joe paddles around it looking for breadcrumbs.

And not just his domestic agenda, either. It would cripple the administration’s foreign policy as well.

Who wants to bother negotiating with a decrepit old crock who’s just biding his time until January 20, 2025, when he can waddle to Marine One and fly away to Delaware?

So these guys have to act out the fiction that the senile old man “deserves” to run again because he’s been “a great president.”

Frankly, I’m a little embarrassed for them.

H/T Twitchy.com

Democrats fear the Lame Duck label