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House GOP Commits to Subpoena Hunter and Jim Biden, Go After FBI for Politicizing Cases

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Things with Hunter Biden seem to have been heating up of late, with the case hitting a “critical stage,” and FBI whistleblowers revealing efforts to obstruct the case, according to GOP members of Congress.

With all that has been revealed from the laptop and how much there is to pursue regarding the foreign connections, it not only raises national security concerns but big questions as to whether justice was going to be pursued in this case.

But two senior Republicans who are likely to be in charge of House investigative committees next year, if the GOP takes back the House, are promising action on Hunter Biden and the politicization of the FBI.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) — the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee committed to subpoenaing testimony from Hunter Biden and James Biden — Joe Biden’s son and brother, respectively — to get to the bottom of the foreign connection and force action on the case.

“We’re gonna ask them to testify, and when they say no, then we’ll subpoena them,” Comer said in a wide-ranging interview. “So that’ll be probably the first subpoena issued by a Republican majority.”

Comer stressed that the subpoena wasn’t an effort at further political embarrassment of an already-unpopular president, but rather an attempt to address the legitimate national security and ethics questions surrounding the Biden family’s dealings with companies in countries like Russia, China and Ukraine.

“It’s not that we’re picking on Hunter Biden for political reasons,” he said. “We believe that Hunter Biden and his shady business dealings have compromised Joe Biden in some of the decisions that he’s making, especially when you look at decisions he’s made with respect to China, and with respect to Russia. So we consider this a priority for the American people.”

Comer said it was a “national security risk” and “we’re not going to let up on it.” This is particularly true as we’re being threatened by China and we’re seeing pathetic responses from the Biden team.

Comer added he didn’t think it should be taking that long and that he believed they had evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement.

“I mean, he had 150 suspicious activity reports filed from various banks. That means the bank was pretty confident that Hunter Biden was committing some type of criminal activity, but yet they did nothing. They knew Hunter Biden was influence-peddling in Ukraine, in Russia in the Middle East and China, but yet they did nothing.” [….]

“I believe Joe Biden knew about all of it,” he said. “And what we’re seeing now — we’ve got the phone message where Joe Biden calls Hunter after this Chinese fiasco was starting to break, and he said, ‘Look, you know, I think you’re free and clear now. Everything’s good.’ So obviously Joe Biden was keeping up with that.

“Now we have text messages and phone messages that show that Joe Biden was communicating with many of Hunter’s business associates. We’re seeing call logs now, White House visitor logs that show that there were many, many communications between Joe Biden and Hunter’s business associates.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) — who likely would head the House Judiciary Committee — also committed to taking action to deal with the politicization of FBI cases, as well as the reported padding of the statistics regarding domestic extremism cases to make the problem look worse. That fits the Biden team narrative when it comes to domestic extremism.

“They’re juicing the numbers, plain and simple,” Jordan said, describing the whistleblowers’ allegations. “They set up this office on domestic terrorism just a few months ago. This has been a big focus of the Democrats because they can’t talk about everything else that they’ve done wrong, every policy decision they made that’s been a disaster. So they’ve got this focus. And we’ve had whistleblowers now, multiple whistleblowers, come to us and tell us they’re being pressured to catalog cases as domestic terrorism cases too, I think, fit this whole crazy political narrative that the Biden administration has.”

Jordan indicated that if the FBI refuses to comply with requests, once they get power, they can hold them to account through the power of the purse.

“We can continue to do the investigations, get the facts and the truth to the American people,” he said. “We can look at the appropriations process, which is the legislature’s job to get the executive branch of governments funded.

“And then hopefully, in two years, we can elect a Republican president. I think and hope it’s going to be President Trump. I think he’s going to run. I hope he does, and I want him to win. And then you put in place the right kind of leadership at the Justice Department, who will actually rein that institution in, get rid of the politics and focus on equal treatment under the law, the rule of law, the Constitution, and not all the political things that we see now.”

If you needed an excuse to get out and vote, there’s another one.