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S&P 500 Index Drops Tesla From List of Woke Companies - Elon Musk Responds With Perfect Meme

S&P 500 Index Drops Tesla From List of Woke Companies - 

Elon Musk Responds With Perfect Meme

(AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

In today’s episode of “The Hypocrisy of the Left Know’s No Bounds”…

Let’s begin with a question. If you’re a woke stock market index that tracks the performance of 500 large companies on listed exchanges, and the CEO of one of those companies turns out to be less wokified than acceptable — by your standards — even though his company is the leading manufacturer of “environmentally-friendly” electric vehicles, what do you do? Simple answer:

If you’re Standard & Poor’s, you drop the company from the S&P ESG — Environmental, Social, and Governance — 500 Index and replace it with a company that steadfastly toes the line of wokification.

As reported by Forbes, Tesla has been dropped from the ESG 500 Index created for environmentally conscious investors, due to “flaws” in the company’s “business conduct” and “aspects of the company’s low-carbon strategy” — totally transparent nonsense. The woke move rightfully ticked off Elon Musk, who correctly declared: “ESG is a scam.”

Margaret Dorn, the North American head of S&P’s ESG 500 Indices, just came right out and admitted the obvious, as transcribed by Forbes:

While Tesla may be playing its part in taking fuel-powered cars off the road, it has fallen behind its peers when examined through a wider ESG lens.

Through the eyes — and brain — of this former Certified Financial Planner, Dorn’s statement is as nonsensical in its prioritization as it can be. Translation: “Yes, Tesla plays a leading role in establishing the EV — electric vehicle — as a future viable alternative to gas-powered vehicles, but Elon Musk’s efforts to end censorship and suppression of conservative thought disqualifies Tesla from the ESG 500 Index.”

Completely ridiculous, as noted by Forbes:

From Tesla’s earliest days Musk committed the company to lead a revolution in clean transportation and power and no manufacturer has done more to push the auto industry to shift to electric vehicles from carbon-fueled cars and trucks.

Musk, of course, jumped at the opportunity to take a shot at S&P via a meme on Twitter:

Needless to say, as Musk has become increasingly critical of left-wing censorship — and the Democrat Party as a whole — he has also correctly predicted the left’s growing attacks against him. As reported by my RedState colleague Nick Arama on Thursday, Musk said in a tech podcast that he will vote “Republican” in the future, given his disgust with the narrative and tactics of the Democrat Party.

In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party.

But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.

Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold … 🍿

The question is, is there enough popcorn on the planet, as the Musk v. Leftists chronicles continues?