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Do Kamala’s speechwriters secretly hate her?

It really is the only logical explanation.

You know, back in 2017, I suggested that whoever maintained then-Senator Kamala Harris’ Twitter account secretly hated her because Kamala’s tweets made her sound like a complete idiot. And now I’m starting to suspect Vice President Kamala’s speechwriters secretly hate Kamala too.

Who am I kidding? Secretly? There’s no “secretly” about it at this point.

We all know how terrible Kamala is at speaking extemporaneously.

Like this:

And this:

The woman is incapable of formulating a coherent sentence on the fly.

I’ve also pointed out how much Kamala relies on the phrase “in terms of” when speaking off the cuff. It’s like a rhetorical burp she interjects whenever she’s struggling to find her way to a point.

But when Kamala’s speechwriters are the ones providing the script, shouldn’t we expect a more polished product?

If Kamala’s speechwriters wanted her to sound articulate and smart, she would sound articulate and smart.

But even in her prepared speeches, Kamala still sounds like a fourth-grader giving a book report on a book she didn’t read.

This is the latest example of remarks prepared in advance by Kamala’s speechwriters:

As always, it’s best to read it out loud to yourself:

“That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action.”

Good gracious. That’s one long run-on sentence.

Reading it out loud really hammers it home, doesn’t it?

Kamala’s speechwriters hate her. There is no other explanation for that hot mess of a run-on sentence.

But you know, that “work together” part sounds a little familiar.

I think Kamala’s speechwriters cribbed it from these remarks when Veep went to France:

“We must together work together. To see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going in our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment, yes, to together address the challenges and to work on the opportunities.”

I’m telling you, they hate this woman as much as the person who ran her Twitter feed when she was a Senator.

Then again, given how awful Kamala is to work for, it doesn’t surprise me in the least if the people who haven’t quit on her yet are spending their time finding ways to make her sound ridiculous every time she opens her mouth.