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Biden $33 Billion Ukraine Package Includes $8.8 Billion to Establish State Dept Global Disinformation Bureau

Beyond a Slush Fund, $8.8 Billion to Establish a Global Ministry of Truth with International Civil Asset Forfeiture Powers

This is why Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff were in Kyiv

The details of the Joe Biden $33 billion supplemental budget allocation have been released.  I would strongly urge everyone to read the proposal which now heads to congress for passage {SEE pdf here}.

The spending request outlines a massive amount of money for various ideological foreign policy initiatives under the guise of Ukraine relief (it isn’t).  The proposal outlines a kickback and bribery scheme.

Some of the spending includes an allocation of funds to the State Dept including funds to USAID to “provide $8.8 billion to the Department of State for economic support and assistance to the people of Ukraine and other affected countries, including direct budgetary support, as well as support for food security, democracy, anticorruption, cybersecurity, counter-disinformation, human rights, atrocity documentation, energy, and emergency infrastructure needs.” {pdf page 41}  The request specifically authorizes the transfer of these funds globally, outside of Ukraine.


Apparently, the State Dept is going to set up an international version of DHS “disinformation governance board.”  But wait, it gets worse…

U.S. taxpayers are also going to subsidize farming in Europe and fund the climate change initiatives by paying for the development of alternate energy sources. “This would include [$500 million] support for small- and medium- sized agrobusinesses during the fall harvest and for natural gas purchases by the Ukrainian state energy company.” {page 44}

Mechanisms to legalize defense contractor kick-backs: “This request would authorize Ukraine to utilize Foreign Military Financing Program funds appropriated in this Act and prior Acts to the Department of State to contract directly with U.S. companies to procure defense related materials which would facilitate the delivery of military assistance and security sector support.” {page 48}

Mechanisms to spread the money all over government institutions without prior approval: …”This request would provide the authority to reprogram funds appropriated in this Act and prior Acts making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for assistance to Ukraine without regard to any minimum amounts specifically designated in such Acts. This authority would provide the needed flexibility to match resources with evolving needs and decrease reliance on new appropriations.” {Page 50}

The last segment is a massive change in the U.S. government power to seize Russian private property and assets, sell them to whoever Biden chooses, and then give the proceeds of the sales to U.S. politicians, friends, family members, or perhaps Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

It is an international version of current DOJ civil asset forfeiture.  The United States government (DOJ, Dept of Treasury and Dept of State) takes ownership of any targeted Russian asset, sells the asset (to whoever they choose, including personal family members) then take the proceeds and distributes them to whoever they choose in the U.S. or Ukraine government.

Example:  Confiscate a $200 million oligarch yacht, sell it to Hunter Biden (or Black Rock / Vanguard) for $50,000, give the $50k to Zelenskyy and then have Black Rock / Vanguard deposit $10 million in James Biden or DNC bank account.  {Page 52}

No, I’m not joking.  Sit down and read how they are legalizing this process.