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The Western Leftist Absolutely Wants to Introduce Sex to Your Small Children, Here's Proof

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

Despite being separated by a large body of water, the leftists of the western half of the globe are pretty united. They are, after all, an ideological hive mind with a singular shared goal of cultural domination.

One of their primary goals is to make your children loyal little foot soldiers for their cause. When tyrants used to want to control the kids they would make textbooks biased to the narrative of the state and would have schools teach a very politicized form of education. To be sure, the left still wants to do that to your child, but today’s leftist doesn’t want to just tell you that the state is good and specific groups are bad. They want to bring your children into a hyper-sexualized circle.

Today’s radical leftists have some sort of obsession with grooming children. They want your kids hyper-focused on their genitals, on the genitals of others, masturbation, sex, sexuality, and gender identity. They want your small children to sexually experiment and explore. They want them introduced to concepts that children shouldn’t be overly concerned about until later on in their teen years.

For instance, the “sexy summer camp” in Kentucky wanted to teach your child “sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs” and teach them how to be a sex worker.

Across the pond, there is something like that going on but on a little bit larger of a scale than a handful of women running a sexualization factory for children. Over in the UK, they’re putting on an entire production called the “Family Sex Show.” As posted by the Libs of TikTok Twitter account, a UK theater is putting on an edutainment show teaching kids about sex, porn, masturbation, and more. There will even be naked adults on stage.

Again, this is supposed to be for your children.

The question one has to ask themselves is…what’s the end goal here? Is it opening the door for acceptance?

If it was just acceptance then it would simply suffice to speak on homosexuality and transgenderism as just another normal thing in our society and that kids shouldn’t be shocked when they see it. However, that’s not what they’re doing. They’re introducing kids to the act of sex, sexual pleasure, performances surrounding it, and the adult nude human body.

This kind of normalization will only lead to children wanting to perform the actions themselves because children are as imitative as they are impressionable. The “sexy summer camp” in Kentucky has kids actually practicing masturbation and sexual stimulation on each other’s hands while telling them the real way to do it on each other’s genitals. Do they not think that kids will give it a shot?

I think they actually do think they will. I think they hope they will.

That leads one to wonder who they hope they’ll come to when they want to try the real thing. A friend…or maybe one of these adults who earned their trust?

This is nothing short of grooming. No matter how you swing it, this level of exposure to sex and sexuality to small children is effectively attempting to push them into a lifestyle where sexual interactions are as common as playing hide and seek. They are quite literally, out in the open, attempting to have your child desire to have sexual interactions with those around them, and it’s a safe bet that if they have no limits on what they want to expose your child to, then they’ll have no limits in helping your child along the path even further.

They’re clearly not drawing lines and they’re not giving any reassurances that they’ll have any.

This isn’t about equality, education, or any of the claptrap being rattled off by these people. This is an attempt to swing the door wide open for the acceptance of pedophilia. Full stop.