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The Ruling Class’ Pantheon of Lies

Barack Obama doesn’t want to prevent the flooding of the public square with raw sewage. He wants the exclusive ability to flood the public square with sewage and prevent its cleanup.

Barack Obama recently took to the stage at Stanford University to lecture an audience on the perils of disinformation. But it was Obama himself who used the occasion to spread lies and misinformation.

This shouldn’t come as any surprise. In 2013, PolitiFact awarded Obama its Lie of the Year award for repeatedly promising the American people that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Obama made this false claim repeatedly as he promoted his signature piece of legislation: the “Affordable Care Act.”

After its passage, millions of Americans were sent cancellation letters from their insurance companies. 

Nonetheless, Obama, the decorated 2013 liar of the year, stood behind the podium at Stanford and admonished, “You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing, that citizens no longer know what to believe.” 

Obama was right, except that it’s Democrats like himself who have flooded our country’s public square with raw sewage. Just a few recent additions to the American ruling class’ pantheon of lies include Trump-Russia collusion, Trump quid pro quo, Trump incited an insurrection, the vaccines prevent the contraction and spread of COVID-19, and the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation.

Notably, while Obama railed against the planting of “conspiracy theorizing,” in his speech, he continued to peddle the debunked Democrat conspiracy theory of Trump-Russia collusion himself. 

“No one in my administration was surprised that Russia was attempting to meddle in our election,” Obama said in reference to the 2016 election.

Not only did the two-year, $32 million taxpayer-funded Mueller witch-hunt determine that there was no Trump-Russia collusion, but the ongoing Durham investigation has revealed that the Clinton campaign invented the conspiracy theory, funded its development, and colluded with countless Democrats, members of the intelligence community, and the media to flood the public square with that raw sewage. 

Obama’s concern is not that American citizens “no longer know what to believe,” as he claimed, but rather that American citizens no longer believe pathological liars like himself, other Democrats, and the propagandist media, which Obama and the Democratic Party rely upon to spread their dirt and conspiracy theories. 

Obama is deathly afraid that Americans may believe something that Obama and the Democrats don’t want them to believe—such as the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Sixteen percent of Biden voters would have voted differently had the media and Big Tech not suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Interestingly enough, Obama took aim at these very tech companies, which censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, in his Stanford speech. “These companies need to have some other north star other than just making money and increasing market share,” Obama said.

The “north star” to which Obama wants these tech companies to look is censorship. Yet Twitter, one of the companies at which Obama aimed, actually does value censorship over profit. Before reversing course on Monday, Twitter’s board of directors vowed to take a “poison pill” rather than accept Elon Musk’s $43 billion cash offer to buy the social media platform. Musk’s offer valued Twitter’s stock at $54.20 a share; a 38 percent premium to Twitter’s stock value before Musk disclosed his 9 percent stake.

The fact that companies like Twitter are “making money” isn’t what really upsets Obama, but rather the prospect of a free speech advocate like Musk—who has both the money and the willingness to use it in this way—purchasing a leftist, activist communications platform and neutralizing its use as a censorship tool of the ruling class.

Had Jeff Bezos, rather than Elon Musk, announced his intention to purchase Twitter, Obama would have been thrilled.

But Obama and other Democrats know their rapidly diminishing political power depends upon their control of media narratives. Now that billionaires like Musk and others are looking to interrupt their monopoly, Obama wants the government to regulate them.

The Left’s outrage at Musk’s attempt to free one Big Tech company (not even the biggest) from the Democrats’ chains of censorship is really a manifestation of their growing frustration that any platform or individual be allowed to question, challenge, or expose their agenda.

While Obama attacked Big Tech in his Stanford speech, he was really attacking every American who dares question and confront the Left’s lies—from Joe Rogan with his audience of millions to me, with a podcast audience of thousands. 

“One of the biggest reasons for the weakening of democracy is the profound change that’s taken place in how we communicate and consume information,” Obama said

What Obama meant was that one of the biggest reasons for the weakening of the Democratic Party has been the proliferation of free speech and alternative media sources.

Americans are no longer congregating in the Left’s pantheon of lies. Instead, they are seeking refuge in the abundant pantheons of truth. 

While new, heavily funded “mainstream” media services like CNN+ fail, alternative, right-wing podcasts with no funding like mine are flourishing.

Would-be totalitarians like Obama don’t want to prevent the flooding of the public square with raw sewage. They want the exclusive ability to flood the public square with sewage and prevent its cleanup.