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Tulsi Gabbard Shares Interesting Theory on Why White House Sent Kamala on Overseas Tour

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Any day Democrat Tulsi Gabbard takes aim at Vice President Kamala Harris and calls out the gross ineptitude she frequently displays on a world stage is a good day, and this week has been no exception.

The former Hawaii Congresswoman has long been a critic of Harris, something the entire country found out during the 2019-2020 Democratic presidential primary campaign season, which saw Gabbard effectively kneecap Harris’ presidential hopes during a televised July 2019 presidential debate where she detailed the then-Senator’s deeply troubling prosecutorial record as California state attorney general.

Harris’ campaign never recovered, and between that embarrassing moment and her failure to connect with key voting blocs in her own party, Harris dropped out of the race a few months later before the first primary vote was cast.

During a Thursday appearance on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, Gabbard was asked about Harris’ latest foray into international diplomacy, something Harris has shown herself not to be good at from the time President Biden appointed her in March 2021 to be his point person on the “root causes” of the southern border crisis to now as she continues to cackle her way through appearances with world leaders in countries like Poland and Romania.

After calling Harris’ public appearances in Europe “embarrassing,” Hannity asked Gabbard to grade the veep’s performance. She did not hold back, and during her comments, she shared an interesting theory on the real reason she thinks the Biden White House sent her overseas.

“Is there anything worse than ‘F’ on the grading scale?” Gabbard began. “Sean, this would be humorous if it weren’t so dangerous. We have this person who is just a heartbeat away from the presidency. We look back, we know she was anointed by the mainstream media. She was appointed by the Clinton machine for two very simple reasons.”

“Number one is identity politics,” Gabbard correctly pointed out. “She had the right skin color and the right gender. And number two, she had proven herself to be loyal to the power elite in Washington, the warmongers, the Clinton machine, and as a result we are seeing now they send her to Poland, revealing the fact that they’re not actually serious about solving this tragedy, this problem.”

Gabbard also talked about Harris’ failures on resolving the border crisis.

“We’ve seen how they are not serious about solving illegal immigration at our border because they put her in charge of solving that problem,” she noted. “It just proves this is all about – it’s all about politics, Sean.”

It’s all about the Kamala Harris show, getting her out there, giving her the opportunity to get some photo ops with our troops, with refugees, things that can bolster her eventual run for the presidency, which is so sad because really, this shows that the suffering of the Ukrainian people really are just – they’re actors in her – in the Kamala Harris show.


I gotta think there’s some merit here to Gabbard’s argument that the White House is sending Harris on these trips and giving her these assignments purely from a photo op/future ambitions standpoint because Harris has no foreign policy experience to speak of, not to mention the fact that she has a lot of trouble coming across as an authentic second in command who is genuinely interested in resolving the issues she’s been tasked to handle.

So what other reason(s) would they send her absent that skillset? Photo ops and making her appear more presidential than she actually is are the only answers that make sense.

As my colleague Jennifer Oliver O’Connell observed in a prior post on Kamala Harris, this is what happens when one puts gender identity politics and earning “woke” creds ahead of picking a person based on their actual qualifications for the job. Sadly, the United States is not the only country paying the price for the first of one of many mistakes Joe Biden would make on his way to being sworn into office. Unfortunately, it won’t be the last one, either.