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Proof of How Phony It All Was - And Anyway They Have a New Con Now

The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes

We have written a great deal about the sheer insanity of the response to the COVID-19 global pandemic over the past two years; however, nothing showcases the COVID madness like what New Zealand is doing right now.  Consider:

♦ In late March 2020, New Zealand recorded 5 cases of COVID-19 infection and immediately shut down everything, locked down borders and citizens, and instituted the most severe restrictions on formerly free citizens in global history.

♦ In late March 2022, New Zealand recorded 20,000 cases of COVID-19 infection (yesterday), and announces they are dropping almost all COVID restrictions, removing vaccination mandates and eliminating COVID passports.

Nothing shouts ‘scamdemic‘ louder than the government’s own behavior in this example.

Was COVID-19 ever more concerning than a severe flu, which was then weaponized by government to induce a global fear and trigger mass formation psychosis as a gateway for a new model society?

That question is for the history books. However, the changed political landscape, in combination with the Florida result, appear to hold the answers.

(SKY NEWS) – Vaccine passes are being axed in New Zealand, with mandates being removed in almost all industries. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the changes on Wednesday as she unveiled the country’s post-Omicron peak plan. 

Ms Ardern said cases had decreased significantly in Auckland, with a decline expected across the nation by early April.  She added there had been more than 500,000 reported cases of COVID-19 in the country of five million, although “expert modellers say there have probably been 1.7 million actual infections”.

“That figure, coupled with 95 per cent of New Zealanders being fully vaccinated, means we now have a high level of collective immunity,” Ms Ardern said.

As part of the sweeping changes, New Zealanders will no longer have to prove they are vaccinated to enter venues covered under My Vaccine Pass from early next month.  

“From 4 April, My Vaccine Pass will no longer be required by the Government meaning Kiwis will no longer have to be vaccinated in order to enter those venues covered by the Pass,” Ms Ardern said. “Scanning in requirements for the vaccinated will also end.” … “”From 4 April, vaccine mandates will be removed.” (read more)

Keep in mind, this announcement is happening at the same time COVID-19 infections are higher than at any time previously in Kiwi history.

You will never be able to convince the masses of people that they have been victimized by the most widespread global hysteria in modern history. Indeed, it would be a futile effort to do so, just like it would be futile to try and stop the people who are thirsting desperately for their fourth, fifth or whatever booster shot.

People now define themselves and others by their behavior during the pandemic scare of the past two years.  It would be an exercise in futility to try and convince anyone; and factually it would be exhausting and wasteful.  However, for anyone who can intellectually look at the landscape, it is impossible not to have seriously well founded questions about the statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic – when contrast against two ordinary years of a strong flu season in both the northern and southern hemisphere.

One of the key *tells*, amid this entire COVID fear timeline, is the difference between how western government leaders spoke publicly about the rules, regulations, mandates and restrictions, and how they personally acted in private when they didn’t know they were being watched.  And now we find ourselves with barely enough time to take down the COVID-19 decorations before those same western government officials began weaponizing the Ukraine fear.

Here is the announcement, straight from the horse’s mouth: