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The Real Pandemic Is the Fascist Left

The majority of Americans have come to accept COVID is endemic, that it will be part of everyday life long into the future, and that it's time to get back to normal.

The real pandemic in this country is one of growing fascism from our so-called political Left.

The far-Left Democratic Party doesn’t care about your essential freedoms—from speech and the free flow of ideas to freedom of assembly—particularly when those freedoms stand in the way of their pursuit of power. 

This is the party, after all, who opposed Abraham Lincoln and stood in the way of integration well into the 1960s. Where Democratic hatred of freedom has become glaringly apparent in recent times is with their obsession with COVID vaccine mandates and mask mandates, most especially for school-aged children. This “pandemic” has exposed what is truly afoot here, fascist authoritarianism at its most potent and dangerous.

And why not? After all, Joe Biden and his son clearly have felt comfortable accepting money and favors from businesses in China and other authoritarian nations around the globe, so why shouldn’t Biden bring this unique brand of fascism home?

What’s also become clear is that the little fascists on the Left would like to punish all who dare to exercise their freedom and refuse to comply with their unscientific mandates. 

Rasmussen report recently revealed that many Democrats even support fines, home confinement, and prison sentences for not complying with their ever-changing, anti-science COVID restrictions, regulations, and mandates. Specifically, 75 percent of Democrats want Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees, 55 percent support fines for unvaccinated people, and 48 percent were in favor of jail sentences. In fact, 29 percent of Democrats say they support taking children away from parents who refused to get them vaccinated.

That’s right: if there were no restraints, no consequences at all, and they could get away with it, roughly half of the Democratic Party would send you to jail for not complying with the arbitrary rules which might or might not change next week. 

Fully a third of that party wants to have children taken away from parents who refuse to inject them with a highly experimental, questionable “therapeutic” shot that, as Israel has discovered, won’t even prevent people from getting the virus even after four doses. 

In a rational world, where common sense prevails, most of the American people would be deeply concerned with these fascist tendencies from one of the two major parties in this country. Instead, the corporate propagandists and bureaucrats from D.C. to various states want to gaslight people that it’s the people standing up for their freedoms who are the dangerous ones.

Take Virginia, for example. Despite study upon study showing the efficacy of masks against the virus is minimal, even if worn correctly, the Loudoun County school district is still insisting on mask mandates, fighting Governor Glenn Youngkin’s executive order to make masks optional. In fact, as of last week, woke Loudoun County—where school board members tried to shut down parents opposed to critical race theory in the curriculum—is currently suspending students who refuse to wear masks. 

There is no science, data, or facts supporting any mask mandate for students, which means this is no longer about trying to stop the spread of a not-so-deadly disease for children. This is about abusing children and power and the money they’ve been entrusted with because they can. 

Sadly, too many principals and school staff here in Loudoun are complying with the abuse, either because they buy into whatever flimsy justification there might be or because they lack the courage to say no. And let’s be honest: courage hasn’t exactly been contagious in the county. Despite many expressing their private opposition to mask mandates for their children, in public they meekly comply.

But things are about to change. 

Some parents (including yours truly) here in Loudoun have decided to fight, to let their children be suspended, and to pursue legal recourse because at some point the madness has to stop. 

What makes this all the more amazing is that while school districts like Loudoun County are fighting tooth and nail for their power to abuse children, blue states around the country are making plans to drop school mask mandates altogether. Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Oregon have all set timelines within the next few weeks to get rid of mask mandates in schools.

Perhaps they are seeing what Loudoun’s leaders refuse to see, that the Left will suffer devastating political losses this year, just as they did in Virginia in the fall, if they continue to fight against parents. European countries and blue states alike have realized the jig is up: People are finished with arbitrary mandates that have nothing to do with science. 

The majority of Americans have come to accept that COVID is endemic, that it will be part of everyday life long into the future, and that it’s time to get back to normal. We can only hope that Loudoun County and others like it that are fighting a return to normalcy will be beaten into submission and freedom as common sense wins out. Once that is achieved we can then turn our attention towards eradicating the real pandemic of fascists among us and making sure they never come anywhere near political power for a very long time, from school boards to Congress.