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The Nation Isn't Divided, the Left Is Just Too Sick to Deal With


" When it comes to facts, commie sitzpinklers use their narrative as a Kevlar vest. Nothing gets through."


Article by Kevin Downey, Jr. in PJMedia

The Nation Isn't Divided, the Left Is Just Too Sick to Deal With

More and more I’m hearing that the “nation is divided.” We are not. There is just a portion of the population — I’ll call them commie degenerates — who are impossible to deal with.

I’ve heard several pinkos say that “conservatives just won’t have a conversation.” They are somewhat correct, but it’s not because we are afraid to debate them — it’s because they are nuttier than squirrel droppings. Trying to convince a libtard that he/she/zhim/zher/it is wrong is like trying to tell Hitler that invading the Soviet Union MIGHT not be a good idea; he won’t accept it until he has asked an aide for a Walther PPK pistol.

My criteria for debating a lefty is this: if you believe women can have a penis, I have nothing more to say to you. Yes, I understand that “progressives” are fed an increasingly insane narrative to swallow and never question, but the idea that a man can paint his toenails and declare himself a woman, and that I must agree that this dude is a woman, is a Heaven’s-Gate-cut-off-your-scrotum-level of crazy. If we choose not to accept this grotesque fantasy, we are deemed bigoted Nazis who can be fined up to $250,000 or fired from our jobs. The message is clear: not only will pinkos not abandon their delusions that a boy named Sue is now a girl, but you had better agree or your kids won’t eat.

When it comes to facts, commie sitzpinklers use their narrative as a Kevlar vest. Nothing gets through. As per Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov, libtards become so enwrapped in their ideology that they won’t accept facts until reality has given them a swift kick to their gender-free nether regions.

Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his b***s then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic [sic] of the situation of demoralization.

You can watch more of the video here. I suggest you do. It’s only about six minutes long. Listen to the Soviet plan to take over the U.S. It’s happening faster than you think.


If you think the notion that pretending a man in a wig is suddenly a woman is insane, you better sit down. High school libraries around the nation have books featuring extreme pornography and pedophilia. Do we think those tomes were put there by people who go to church regularly or by twisted dementos who give their 14-year-old hormones so they can change their gender? 


SNARK-O-RAMA! If a man decides to become a woman and change his name to Amanda, is it wrong to call him “Stillamanda” (proper spelling, Still-a-man-DUH)?

It only gets worse. Here is a mama bear reading passages from books in the local high school library.




I don’t know what’s funnier, the school board member trying to stop the mother from reading the sicko passages by telling her there are kids in the room (the book is from a high school library; guess who’s been reading it, you philistine) or that that the mother, Stacy Langton, has been banned from entering the library.

No matter where you stand on porn, that stuff should be nowhere near kids. And if looking at pedo pictures is a crime, shouldn’t it be illegal to write and read about it? Tell me pedo creeps don’t read those books for sick kicks.

Here is a little more lefty pedo sickness. As I’ve mentioned before, a faction of the left is trying to normalize pedophilia. Two university faculty members have recently found themselves in hot water: one, a transgender, for defending pedophiles in a book; and one for defending them on a podcast.

Related: Step Aside, Trans People, The Left has a New Mission: Normalizing Pedophilia

We aren’t divided: conservatives just refuse to accept the increasingly grotty narrative that boys can be girls, and adults can have sex with kids.

QUESTION-O-RAMA! How many of the teachers who have been caught having sex with their students are leftists? It’s weird how schools import pedo porn books and then faculty members get arrested for sex with minors.

More sickness coming your way.

Anne Quiney was watching her unvaccinated husband die of COVID-19. She fought his hospital to have them administer ivermectin. When her story became news, liberals attacked her like jackals on a wounded zebra.

“I hope you’re [sic] f——g husband dies a vegetable!”

“He should have taken the vaccine. I hope he dies.”

These people are sick. Talking to them is not the answer. Perhaps it’s time for what Bezmonov described as the only way to get through to them: a boot-kick in their gender-fluid pubis de jour.



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