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Kamala Litella

Russia invades Ukraine, now 
Kamala owes the world a “Never mind.”

Hoo Boy. The Biden administration just made Kamala Harris look like Emily Litella on the world stage. They sent her over to Germany to address the Munich security conference, and Kamala Litella made a big show of just how great a price Russia would pay if they dare to put a toe over the border into Ukraine.

Kamala Litella made no bones about it, telling the assembled world leaders:

Let me be clear, I can say with absolute certainty if Russia further invades Ukraine the United States, together with our Allies and partners, will impose significant and unprecedented economic costs.

Not just “let me be clear,” but “let me be clear” AND “I can say with absolute certainty.”

Wow, way to dangle your ass over the cliff, Kamala.

Then on Sunday, she reiterated to reporters just how “great” and “significant” and “powerful” these sanctions were going to be if Putin dared to make a move against Ukraine.

Well, yesterday, Putin made his move. He officially recognized the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two eastern territories of Ukraine, then he sent Russian “peacekeeping” troops across the border.

And those “significant” and “unprecedented” sanctions?

Yeah, they’re not getting triggered because the White House moved the goalposts.

And now Kamala Litella, ass dangling over the cliff from her “I can say with absolute certainty” remark, will now have to issue a two-word update to her speech: “never mind.”

Honestly, with bungling yahoos like these running the country, I don’t know whether to lie awake at night in terror or laugh myself to sleep.

I don’t know if you remember this, but back in January when Joe Biden finally held a formal press conference with White House reporters, he landed himself in it big time by suggesting that the US would take no action against Russia over a “minor incursion” into Ukraine.

Man, the blowback was so immense over that remark, Jen Psaki was forced to issue a “clarification.” And like Kamala Litella, Psaki left no room for doubt.

Psaki “clarified” that “If any Russian military forces move across the Ukrainian border, that’s a renewed invasion.” She went on to warn that any such move by Russia would be met with “a swift, severe, and united response” from the US and its allies and partners.

Turns out, Biden was right. The US will not trigger these sanctions just for the “minor incursion” that happened yesterday.

In a conference call with reporters yesterday, a White House official explained that Putin sending troops over the border into Donbas “would not itself be a new step” since Russian troops have been in the Donbas region since 2014.

But Jen Psaki expressly said any military forces crossing the border would be considered “a renewed invasion.”

Now Jen Psaki will have to issue her own “never mind.”

Sure, these guys talk tough. But when the rubber meets the road, they lack follow-through.

The only thing Biden did yesterday was sign an executive order restricting economic activity in Donetsk and Luhansk. Psaki was then forced to explain that this executive order isn’t the promised “significant” and “unprecedented” economic sanctions Kamala said with “absolute certainty” were guaranteed to happen.

I’m beginning to suspect the Kamala supporters are right. The Biden administration is deliberately putting this vapid lightweight into the position of making an absolute fool of herself.

Granted, Kamala Litella wasn’t the only administration official promising swift, decisive, strong, and significant action. She’s just the one who had to run her neck into the noose by doing it on the world stage.