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Joe Biden's Justice Department Shuts Down China-Focused Counterintelligence Programs Because Hurt Feelings Matter

streiff reporting for RedState 

If you think Joe Biden is capable of exerting any image other than one of abject weakness, you can safely put that possibility out of your mind. He isn’t.

Not only has he shown a level of cravenness in dealing with Putin in Ukraine over the last year, he has demonstrated an equal lack of guts in dealing with our most important security challenge: China.

China is a bad actor that we have coddled for way, way too long. US companies operating in China were coerced into relinquishing intellectual property and subjected to predatory financial practices. China’s intelligence operations against the United States are not limited to US citizens and companies in China. China is extremely active in the United States in traditional espionage directed against Department of Defense targets, but it also has more strategic objectives in penetrating US academia and buying influence in American media, government (for instance, Fang Fang, bang-banging Eric Swalwell as he chaired the CIA’s oversight subcommittee), professional sports, and entertainment.

One of their main targets was American academia. By under the table payments to university researchers, China could distort the usual grant process and gain access to research that might not have been available to it. China also uses Chinese students in American university labs as penetration agents and maintains tight ideological control over them.

Shortly before Attorney General Jeff Sessions was defenestrated, he initiated the China Initiative. Unlike most of what the Justice Department and FBI have done in the past year, like targeting regime opponents and using agent provocateurs to manufacture crimes, this program had the objective of defending the United States from an audacious and voracious intelligence foe.

Now, the Biden junta has declared an end to this program: DOJ shuts down China-focused anti-espionage program.

The Biden administration is shutting down a Justice Department program that focused on countering Chinese espionage, following stumbles in a series of criminal cases and accusations that it amounted to racial profiling.

Officials said Wednesday that the three-year-old effort, known as the China Initiative, was being cast aside largely because of perceptions that it unfairly painted Chinese Americans and U.S. residents of Chinese origin as disloyal.

“By grouping cases under the China Initiative rubric, we helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct related to that country or that we in some way view people with racial, ethnic or familial ties to China differently,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew Olsen said in remarks prepared for delivery at George Mason University in Virginia.

Say what?

Change the program name if you are concerned about some woke perception somewhere. If you can’t acknowledge that there is no counterintelligence threat to the United States that is remotely similar to that presented by China, you probably should just resign or at least reduce your fentanyl intake.

This is just another sign that the Biden Justice Department is deeply corrupt and much more concerned with suppressing domestic dissent and defending the right of sexual predators to get into girls’ locker rooms and female prisons than they are about prosecuting criminals or stopping espionage.