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X22, And we Know, and more-Jan 20


I'm soooo bored right now! And I hate cold weather! And I wish I had something big to look forward to in the near future! And I wish I knew when Hetty was coming back however any months that I have to wait because CBS sucks!! Here's tonight's news:

(If you teach your kids to be okay with taping cloth to their faces all day, to be okay with not seeing faces and being able to develop facial cues that they need to have to be able to understand people, to be okay with always needlessly sanitizing and staying away with people and every other terrible brainwashing tool that has been used the past 2 years to make always staying away from people 'look normal and fun', then you have failed them. And you and only you alone are directly responsible for the social anxiety that they will have when they grow up and learn that it is no way 'normal' or 'fun' to always have their faces covered and to purposely avoid people like they have the plague!!):
