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Trudeau Claims Violent Extremist Truckers Descending on Ottawa to Destroy Democracy

When the government abuser, or any long-term abuser, attempts to proactively manipulate and flip the dynamic, claiming victimhood status, the best approach is to ridicule and mock them relentlessly.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking advice from his Alinsky counselors and attempting to define the Freedom Convoy as violent right-wing extremists descending on Ottawa in an effort to destroy democracy.

Americans will note this is the same ideological narrative the extreme leftists in U.S. government used against the January 6th protestors.  They are all singing from the same hymnal, the Alinsky “Rules for Radicals.”

Trudeau uses his state-run media outlets to frame his narrative.

(CANADA) –  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s concerned about the potential for violence during this weekend’s planned protest on Parliament Hill by truckers and others joining the crowd.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, Trudeau says the “freedom convoy” is no longer a protest against the federal vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers and has morphed into a forum for a small minority of “very angry” people opposed to all public health measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, some of whom espouse violence.

[…] he says threats of violence should not go with the territory for anyone who steps up to serve, including politicians and health-care workers.

[…] Trudeau stresses that the protesters do not represent the vast majority of truckers or the vast majority of Canadians who’ve done the right thing by getting fully vaccinated to protect themselves and their loved ones. (read more)

You can’t debate or counteract this level of manipulation with intellectual argument.  The only way to deal with them is to mock them, relentlessly.  When the media then attempts to portray you as a bully, mock them some more.  Ignore the manipulation, mock them, laugh at them, ridicule them and keep moving forward with the intent and purpose of the confrontation.

These people like PM Trudeau, and those around him, are professional leftists who have been trained to use emotional arguments to retain their objectives.   They pretend not to know things, and consistently frame themselves as victims in order to avoid being held accountable.  That is what they do….

Break the cycle by hardening yourself to their effort.

Ignore their irrelevance.  Mock them!