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The Communists Won The Cold War

The old Soviet regime was not defeated; it is reestablishing itself in the United States.

Thirty years ago, on December 25, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as Soviet president and commander of the Red Army. By the end of the following year, the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a political entity. The democratic alliance of the western Christian nations “won” the Cold War. Intellectuals looked forward to the end of history. Politicians prognosticated about the rise of a unipolar world with the United States leading a new world order.

Yet 30 years later, the muted discussion of this anniversary should tell us something. Discussion of the dissolution of the Soviet Union is markedly absent from our current political conversation. Did we really win the Cold War?

This month, a sitting United States senator, Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), gave a speech to a group of communists. He suffered no consequences. Socially speaking, does not the America of 2021 have far more in common with the Soviet Union of 1917 or 1975 than it does with the United States of America as it existed in 1917 or 1945?

If we transported any of our cold warriorsfrom George Kennan to Dwight Eisenhower to John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan—into the present and showed them the United States (or the European Union) and its ruling class today, I doubt any of them would say, “Yes, we definitely won the Cold War.”

In 1945, Nazis and their sympathizers in positions of power were thoroughly routed, not only in Germany but also in every victorious Allied nation of World War II. In the United States, the “Friends of the New Germany” did not survive. The same cannot be said of the American Communist Party after our “victory” in the Cold War.

How many actors, directors, producers, and screenwriters in Hollywood were permanently downgraded after 1991 for having made excuses for a collapsed communist regime that killed tens of millions of people? How many socialist journalists or media executives lost their jobs for carrying water for a Joseph Stalin or a Leonid Brezhnev? How many professors or public educators who praised the revolutionary spirit of a Lenin or a Rosa Luxemburg lost their jobs? The answer, of course, is none.

Thirty years later, in the United States, communists and communist-adjacent individuals and institutions control the “post-Cold War” United States. In American universities, almost 20 percent of social science professors are open Marxists. Among the youth, “one in three millennials favor communism. As many as 70% would likely vote for a socialist candidate. Only 57% believe that the Declaration of Independence better ‘guarantees freedom and equality’ than the Communist Manifesto does.”

Did we win the Cold War? Just look at the evidence and compare.

We have a policy of korenizatsiya aimed against Middle Americans. In the Soviet context, this was the anti-majoritarian policy that penalized the ethnic Russian majority in the Soviet Union. One historian described the Soviet Union in its early years as an “Affirmative Action Empire.” The Biden-Harris regime pursues its own version of korenizatsiya today.

On the sex question, it was the Bolsheviks who were the first to legalize infanticide. These long dead and “defeated” Soviets can sleep soundly knowing that their mortal American enemies adopted this practice in 1973, and in 1992, a Supreme Court with a majority of judges appointed by Republicans maintained the practice just one year after we “won” the Cold War.

It was the Bolsheviks who gave us “International Women’s Day” (though today’s communists scarcely can tell us what a “woman” even is) which is celebrated on March 8. The vice president of the United States marks its observance every year.

The Soviets had political commissars who ensured loyalty to the Soviet regime within the Red army. The United States Army has its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion commissars. But it’s not confined to the military.

In “victorious” post-Cold War America we also have these commissars within every major institution that oversees hiring, promoting, and firing in America’s mass government, mass culture, and mass economy. Human resources, as an industry, grows at a 10 percent rate per year. Within this industry, the DEI commissars proliferate at between 30-106 percent year over year throughout the West.

In the Soviet Union, state-controlled media waged a relentless propaganda campaign against Christianity. Our official state media who direct the movies, write the public-school textbooks, and produce “mainstream” journalism spew a constant stream of derision against the foundational faith of the United States in the name of replacing it with the new religion of wokeism.

Not content to cut off traditional religious faith from mainstream society, the Soviets purposely divided and conquered the churches themselves by promoting what they called the Living Church. Today, the American churches are turned against themselves as globalist billionaires buy them off and pay servile false shepherds whose flocks invariably end as apostates. How many American Christians are simply members of these new Living Churches like those which the Soviets imposed?

For the time being, we—the American nation—may be a conquered people living under a sort of pseudo-communist regime. Let us hope that our future leaders are wiser than the American leaders of 1991 were.

In their premature celebrations, they failed to realize that winning the global war against communism also required rooting it out here, at home.

Next time, in order to win, we need only heed the advice that President Truman gave us in his 1953 Farewell Address: “the Communist world has great resources, and it looks strong. But there is a fatal flaw in their society. Theirs is a godless system, a system of slavery; there is no freedom in it, no consent. The Iron Curtain, the secret police, the constant purges, all these are symptoms of a great basic weakness—the rulers’ fear of their own people. In the long run the strength of our free society, and our ideals, will prevail over a system that has respect for neither God nor man.”

Today, we live in a regime that is both godless and unfree. None of us consented to seeing our Nation’s world-historic heroes smeared by occupiers; none of us consented to being subject to this regime’s poisonous propaganda. The occupiers can fortify all the fraudulent elections they want; they can haul out all of their Soviet-knock-off Lysenkoist experts to try to force us to bend the knee to Science ™. They can use their own secret police to set us up and purge us. They can import aliens to weaponize demography against us and clutch their pearls about “Our Democracy ™” when we protest that they aim illegitimately to try and wield an artificial majority to submerge and marginalize the core of our nation.

But in our hearts, we know what is and isn’t real. We must remain loyal to the faith of our fathers. We must revere the men who built this nation. Those of us who resist the grip of this communist-inspired globalist occupation regime, threatened by the natural alliance of managerial capitalism and international communism, can and must do better when we are presented with an opportunity like that which was missed after December 25, 1991.